14. First mission 2/2

Chapter 14

Meanwhile, as Seras headed to the front of the estate to board the helicopter, Integra and Walter headed to the command post set up by the local authorities.


- Walter, do you think Seras can kill vampires?


- Hmm? Do you have any doubts, sir? When I told her about the purpose of the mission, I was sure that she really wanted to do it.


"I know, she seems bloodthirsty and all that. But despite the many reasons not to do such a thing, I still see a child in her." Integra sighed.


- Well, it's the same with me. She's a very childish vampire who enjoys hurting those she doesn't like. - Walter confirmed her thoughts, adding his own.


- How about we make a bet? - Integra smirked.


- Again, sir? After you lost last time? However, I must admit that the telegrams that have joined my collection are simply fantastic. - Walter smiled triumphantly.


- Don't remind me, do you have any idea how expensive they are? In any case, do you agree?


- Of course, what are we betting on?


Meanwhile, Alucard, I and two other soldiers were flying in a helicopter. One of them was the pilot, and the other was sitting next to me. As for weapons, I was only given a Glock 17, loaded with special anti-vampire ammo, of course. I was also given two additional magazines, which were attached to the belt of my uniform.


"Master, I think Sir Integra would be a very good commander during the war." I began a conversation with Alucard telepathically.


"What are you getting at?"


"Well she gave a rousing speech ordering me to kill that scumbag tonight, even though I've seen it a few times, it was still really interesting to experience it first hand."


"I know what you mean, when she gives an order after careful consideration. It's like she becomes a completely different person. Even after ten years, I still haven't gotten tired of it." Alucard replied, starting to chuckle slightly.




"Yes?" the vampire tilted his head forward to look at his chick.


"Do you mind if I try to kill the vampires myself tonight? I know it might ruin your fun, but I want to try to kill them myself, is that okay?" I asked, making puppy eyes.


"Are you sure you can handle it, policewoman?"


"What do you mean, master?"


"Even though you drank a few drops of virgin blood, it is not enough. You are very weak and none of my chicks should be weak." Alucard said with slight anger in which there was concern.


- Don't worry, Master, I'll definitely manage. - I spoke out loud.


- Okay, since this is your first mission and it seems boring to me, I'll let you do everything yourself, just don't delay with the murder, okay? - Alucard said kindly.


- Thank you, Master!


After hearing the last part of our conversation, the two soldiers in the helicopter looked at each other and realized that they had the same thought.


"Why the hell is this girl asking me to kill two vampires myself in such a sweet tone?!


When we arrived at the command center half an hour later, Integra was already ready to give orders.


- I've already dealt with the regular police and have taken control. Seras and Alucard, I want you to go there and get rid of the vampires quickly! I want to make sure that within an hour they won't be breathing the same air as me. Understood?!


- Yes! - I answered happily.


- Actually, Master, I'm thinking of letting Seras do it herself, she's been begging me to do it the whole trip.


- Are you sure about this, Alucard?


"These scum aren't worth even a normal vampire fighting. So it's impossible for a police girl to have any problems. Even the weakest of true vampires is more than enough for these scum," Alucard replied with disdain.


- Okay, Seras, I will allow it. The order still stands: kill them within an hour. Or I will move you to another room. Understood? - Integra said threateningly.


- What?! Yes! Where are they? I have to run!


- They're about 2 kilometers north, in a house with blood-stained windows, you can't miss it.


- Good! Walter, could you find me a cardboard box?


- A cardboard box? I can. But why do you need it? - Walter asked, carrying the box out of the tent.


- I want to show the master something interesting, because I deprived him of pleasure.


- Police girl, you know me so well. - Alucard smiled as Walter handed me the box.


- I'm going! - I shouted, instantly teleporting straight to the front door of the house.


Coming up, I rang the doorbell and the nasty laughter from the other side suddenly stopped.


- Hello? I have a package for Mr. Smith! Hello! - I said, continuing to ring the doorbell annoyingly often.


A few seconds later I heard a gun being pulled out to fire, but I simply kicked the door causing it to fly off its hinges and hit the man directly. The door hit him with such force that he flew into the back of the house with the door and got stuck in it. Meanwhile, his partner ran straight towards me trying to strike with her claws.


"Wow! These scum really are faster than normal people." I thought, grabbing the vampire's hand, which pierced the box, and then turned it over and threw it to the ground. Continuing to hold her hand, I stepped on the woman's stomach with all my strength, but unlike what I expected, my foot pierced the body along with the floor.


- What? Why is her body so weak! - I exclaimed, taking out my leg, and then lifting the woman by the throat, I took the box back and threw it straight at the man who was stuck in the wall, which finally broke from such abuse, which is why both vampires ended up in the bedroom.


- This is really disappointing. Can't you guys at least try to fight back, my master is probably bored because of you. - As I was voicing my complaints, both vampires stood up and began to talk unsteadily.


- Leif, baby! I have a hole in my stomach! Help me. Please!


- Shut up, Jessica! When that bitch dies, I'll help you heal. - The vampire said before raising his gun, preparing to shoot me.


- Now it's more interesting, Show me what you can do! Trash calling themselves vampires! - I said, just standing there, holding the broken box in my hands.


- Aaaaaaaaah. - the man screamed, starting to shoot.


As soon as the bullets left the gun, my surroundings slowed down.


- Too slow! Too slow! Do you really think that's enough to kill me?!" I screamed, dodging each bullet and slowly approaching them.


When the bullets ran out, the vampire continued to madly pull the trigger trying to shoot, and the woman remained on the floor screaming in pain.


- Is this really the best you have? What a pity! You kill entire families to satisfy your appetite and THIS is all you can do!?


- Shut up, bitch! - the vampire screamed hysterically.


- I'm a bitch? You know. I just had a great idea! - I said, showing a smile that in my humble opinion was no worse than the master's.


"Since you love drinking blood so much, you'll enjoy this," I said, disappearing and then appearing between the two wounded vampires.


First of all, I grabbed the hand in which the man held the gun, and then by twisting it, I tore it off and threw it on the ground. From this, he, screaming, fell to the ground holding on to his empty shoulder. Then I stepped on his foot, almost completely destroying the bone. After that, I paid a little attention to the vampire, grabbing her by the head, after which, forcing her to open her mouth, I tore out her jaw and threw it on the ground.


- They really don't heal? These chipped freaks are really too poorly made.


A few seconds later, I grabbed the vampire's leg and tore it off. Then, bringing it to the girl's face, I began to pour the flowing blood straight into her mouth, while looking straight into her eyes. Choking, the woman began to cry, with a face literally screaming "how could you."


"You must hate me, you think I'm a monster? But you know this is the revenge of all those families you destroyed." I said before I made a fist and slammed it straight into the woman's heart, turning her into ashes.


- You're still not healed? God! What a pathetic excuse for a vampire, you're not even worthy of being called anything more than trash. You can't heal, you can't summon familiars, you can't turn into mist, and you can't even turn into a bat. You're nothing more than a shit stain on the sole of my shoe.


As soon as I finished speaking, I stood directly above the man and lifted him by the head with my hands at his sides, and then began to slowly squeeze while he thrashed and screamed in pain, after a few minutes, before I finished with him, I spoke again.


- Bye-bye, shit stain! - and while I was smiling his head burst, spewing blood everywhere, and then he began to turn to ashes.