15. Papa Alucard

Chapter 15


- Damn, I'm covered in that bastard's blood! Disgusting!


Meanwhile, while I was screaming, Alucard walked through the front door with an impressed expression on his face.


- I have to admit, police girl, that was pretty funny. Hahahaha! I especially liked the part where you squeezed his head until it burst like a watermelon. - the vampire howled with laughter after finishing.


- Did you like it, Master? I think it would have been more fun if they weren't so weak! They basically ruined my first mission for me. - I pouted.


- Yes, you're right, there weren't even any ghouls to fight along the way. They were a very boring bunch. Thanks for making it interesting, Seras!


- I'm glad you liked it, Master! - I said happily walking next to him, jumping slightly.


- Let's tell Integra about this, I'm sure she wants to know that everything is sorted out.


- Okay, but can we go slowly? It only took 5 minutes, and I don't want to be around people again yet. I'm not sure I'll be able to hold back today if something happens. - I asked Alucard, clutching his hand pitifully.


- Since you did a good job, then so be it.


- Thank you, master! - I said, hugging the vampire for a moment.


As we walked, I looked at the moon as if under a spell. It seemed so beautiful to me. Noticing my behavior, Alucard smiled and said.


- All vampires feel this way under the moon. Police girl. You'll especially like it, full moon.


- Really? I didn't know.


- Yes, it's similar to how some people feel joy and happiness when they are under the sun. Vampires have a similar feeling under the moon, only much stronger, as it also causes excitement, in many ways. - Alucard grinned, also looking at the moon.


- Is that why I feel intoxicated and excited about what happened?


- Yes, the same thing happened when I committed my first kill as a vampire.


- What was it like, master?


After a long pause, Alucard ruffled my hair and spoke.


- As you already know, I was once the Prince of Wallachia. I have experienced many terrible things before I was 12 years old, some done to me, and some I did to others. - Alucard sighed.


- After I got my homeland back, I went to war and defeated many enemies, fighting for my faith. Yes, I believed in God and believed that he helps me in difficult times.


- In any case, after many years of conquest after conquest, I was finally defeated. The way I was treated after my defeat can't be compared to when I was a child, but I felt more pain when I thought God had abandoned me. - It was obvious that the vampire was angry when he said this, the air around him thickened and seemed to have veins of darkness.


- After I turned into a vampire, the very first thing I did was kill the people who had just decapitated my body seconds before turning. I tortured and mutilated their bodies before stabbing them with everything I could find around me. Spears, swords, and even tree branches. At that moment, I truly felt free from all my problems, everything that held me back as a human no longer mattered. - The vampire's anger began to slowly dissipate as he began talking about his first kills.

That was the end of the conversation, and we headed towards the command center.


About ten minutes later, the waiting Integra saw us coming back. She was surprised, as it didn't take long and when she walked towards us, she saw my appearance, I was covered in a huge amount of blood and even gray matter. The soldiers we passed were separated like a red sea.


- Seras, how did it go? Did the targets go silent?


- Yes Sir! - I answered with a smile, saluting.


"Is there anything worth mentioning?" Integra asked.


- Hmmm. I think the most important thing is that they were incredibly weak. They couldn't heal and they didn't have any abilities. Honestly, sir, they were just fast ghouls. - I said after a little thought.


- Really? They didn't regenerate at all?


- No. When I thought they would be stronger, I made a hole in a woman's stomach, and the only thing that changed was that she screamed about it. Even when I tore off their limbs, nothing healed.


"You made a hole in a woman and then dismembered her?" Integra asked.


- Yes! Master said he enjoyed every second, right? - I turned towards Alucard.


- Yes, it was very nice, Seras. - Alucard confirmed.


"Then what was the box for?" Walter asked for Integra, who was speechless.


- Just a small role as a courier. Before I started, I decided that it would be a good idea to lure one of them to the door. That was the first thing that came to mind.

A minute later, Integra still stood there without saying anything, making me worry.


- Sir? Are you alright?


- Ah... Yes! I'm fine, good job, Seras! Okay, we're done here, let's go. - Integra ordered everyone.


A few minutes later, Walter and Integra boarded the helicopter, which Alucard and I were already in.


As the helicopter began to take off, Integra looked at me in surprise.


"Even after what she did, she still acts like a child? How strange."


"There is nothing strange about that, master."


"What do you mean Alucard?"


"From a young age, the police girl faced the death of her parents, abuse from foster families, and even a near-rape. By the time she was able to enjoy childhood, she was too old to even try, so she had to find a job to support herself. On the police force, she couldn't act like a child, so she had to suppress it again. Now that she's safe and around people like Walter, you, and me, I think she's just showing how she really feels."


"You mean she feels safer with us than with other people? How can you be so sure?"


"Every day while she sleeps, I watch her dreams and I only see what I told you. Lately, there have been various things that I think she wouldn't want me to talk about, so I won't."


"Thank you for telling me about it, Alucard. I'm afraid I might have done something I would regret if it weren't for your words."


"That's why I told it. It doesn't need to be connected, just so it can be understood better."


"You sound almost like Father Vampire."


"She acts like a child around me, so I think I was forced into this role."


After Alucard finished speaking, he and Integra began to laugh loudly.


- What's funny? Well, tell me. Please? - I begged them, but they just continued laughing together.