16. The day before the mission to Ireland.

Chapter 16


A couple of days after my first mission, on the night of August 14th, I was lying in bed playing with Basque, and Alucard, as usual, was sitting on the throne and drinking wine.


- Master?


- What about the police girl?


- Do you drink wine? I thought we couldn't eat human food? - I asked the master with resentment. Thinking that I had been deceived.


- Ha ha. Yes, I said we can't eat human food, but we can drink their drinks. After all, every drink is the blood of something else.


- In terms of?


- Well, look. Wine is just a liquid version of grapes, technically you could call it the blood of grapes. Orange juice is the blood of oranges, water is the blood of ice. It's weird, but it works.


- Seriously? Does this mean I can eat soup?


- No, unfortunately, such liquids do not work. Believe me, in the centuries since death I have tried almost any food and none of it worked. Only drinks.


- At least there is something. Wait! Will I be able to get drunk?! - I asked enthusiastically.


- Hahaha, yes, you can get drunk, but it requires blood. That's why when I relax, I drink wine.


- Really? Can I have some?


- I think... No.

- What? But why?


- Well, master? - Having not received an answer, I had to admit defeat.


So several more hours passed in silence before I couldn't take it anymore.


- Master, what do you do when you don't have missions? I'm bored.


- Bored? What about your night visits to the training ground?


- I've been going there every night for a month, there's nothing new there. If the range were greater, I'd just go back and use all the weapons again, but it's impossible to expand it any further.


- So what do you want to do?


- Master! You haven't answered my question yet!


- There is simply no answer to your question, I usually don't do anything.


- You just sit on a throne and drink wine? Sounds boring.


- Then tell me, what would you like to do? Who knows? If it sounds interesting enough, I might go with you too.


- Before I answer, a quick question. Do we even get paid? If I want to buy something, what then?


- That's a good question, police girl. I don't know, you can ask Walter when you have a chance. - Alucard said thoughtfully.


- I'll ask him tomorrow, after we return from the next mission!


- "Next mission"?


- Damn it! - I exclaimed, realizing that I had let it slip and asked in a pleading tone.


- Master, can you pretend you didn't hear that?


- Could you do it?


- Well, no. But if it were you, you would never tell me, even if I begged, right?


- True, but that's because I'm the boss here. - Alucard smiled evilly, looking at me.


- I have no choice, do I?


- What do you think?


- Okay, but I'll be as vague as possible.


"Go on," Alucard said, making a gesture as if he were a king.


- Acts like a king. Well, he kind of was. Wait, he's still a king. The vampire king. - I started to grumble a little at first, but then I was struck by a realization.


- That's right, a policewoman. - Alucard answered, laughing, having read my thoughts.


- Now. Tell me about tomorrow. - Alucard said to me when he finished laughing.


- Okay, something will happen in a building that is in another country, Sir Integra will send us there to deal with the scum. Unfortunately, we will not be the only hunters, and I will be injured there.

"That's it?" the vampire asked, stunned, realizing how vaguely I had answered him.


- Yes.


"You told me almost nothing," Alucard growled in anger at being deceived.


- I told you I'd be vague. I think I've already said too much.


- Really? - he continued to look at me aggressively from top to bottom.


- Trust me. Tomorrow you will find out how much I really told you. - I smiled mysteriously, trying to suppress my fear.


"You better have it that way, or you'll see how cruel I can be to people who deceive me." He snorted angrily before disappearing into the shadows.


"Wow, I really made him angry. Although I don't think it will last long," I thought as I lay in bed.


"What should I do about the coming war? I don't want the master to disappear for 30 years, but I don't want to spoil his fun either."


I tried for a while to come up with something, but eventually I hit a dead end.


- Okay, I'm going to the shooting range again, let's go, Basky! - I said jumping out of bed, calling the dog with me at the same time.


*dog woof*!