25. Talismans

Chapter 25

"It seems Integra is really mad about that trash's death. Well, I wonder where the master is?" I thought as I walked around the mansion.


While walking, I finally reached the basement and as soon as I opened the door, a Basque immediately attacked me.


- Ha-ha-ha. I'm glad to see you too, Baski.


- So, police girl. Integra wants me to interrogate you about what happened on the mission. - Alucard suddenly spoke up.


"So she didn't believe me?" I asked, slightly offended, before throwing Stadler's body onto the floor of the room.


- Well, what did he do to make you do this? - Alucard glanced at the body.


- I don't want to talk about it. If you want to know, just drink my blood. - I said, sticking my neck out.


- Are you serious?


- M? You don't want to drink my blood? You know, it's pretty fresh, as fresh as a corpse's blood can be.


- This isn't funny, policewoman. You do realize what could happen if Integra gets angry, right?


- I know. Even when they woke me up, I said that this could end badly, and besides, I just couldn't let this guy go. - I said, kicking the corpse.


- You didn't even drink from it. It's such a waste.


- He is too disgusting to me.


- Okay, I don't need to drink your blood to know if you told the truth or not. - Alucard said, preparing to leave.


- Master.


- Yes?


"Do you think that if I give Sir Integra something special it will ease her anger?" I asked uncertainly.


- A gift? - the vampire was slightly surprised, and then, starting to disappear, he said. - You can try.






In her office, Integra and Walter were talking before they were interrupted by Alucard arriving.


- Something happened, my master?


- You know what happened, my servant. The policewoman got out of control.


- I don't know what about…


- I ORDER you to tell me the truth, vampire!


- The policewoman already told you the truth, she was within her rights. This man sexually harassed her and paid the price.


- So it's true? Why would he do something like that? - Integra asked, confused.


- Integra, are you serious? Do I need to remind you who chose Seras' outfit?


- But even so, no Englishman would do something like that. - Integra tried to refute with slightly reddened cheeks, understanding what Alucard was hinting at.


-You live in denial, Integra. Do you really believe that men can deny their lust for her, especially considering what they think of her?


- What do you mean?


- Walter, could you explain to our master, she won't believe me. - Alucard addressed the butler.


- Walter?


"Sir, they think Seras is a slave and won't be able to fight back," Walter explained after a few seconds of thought.


- What?!


- Yes, they see how you treat me and the policewoman, and they think they have the right to do the same, - said Alucard.


- This is just ridiculous.


"I have an idea," Walter intervened in the conversation.


"Have you come up with something, Walter?" Integra asked.


- It's simple, we have to treat her like Alucard.


- What do you mean?


- Send her on missions alone, she's strong enough.


It took Integra a few seconds to think about this proposal and finally she spoke.


- Okay, but this is her last chance. Also, Alucard, you have to teach her how to teleport. I don't want her to let the vampire escape.


- Yes, of course. My master. - Alucard said before Disappearing.





Meanwhile, while Alucard was away, I seriously thought about what to give Integra. Recently, I was thinking about talismans from Jackie Chan's adventures to help Walter, but wouldn't it be ideal to give Integra, for example, talismans, dogs (immortality and rejuvenation), horses (healing and regeneration), rabbits (super speed) and bulls (super strength). I'm sure that after trying them out, she won't be angry with me anymore.


- So let's see when it's convenient to pick them all up at once. - A screen appeared in front of me, showing how in a rather rich office a white-haired man was inserting Amulets into a dragon statue.


- Just right. - I smiled, and a moment later I found myself behind the local villain.


"Eight, nine, ten…" the man happily inserted the amulets.




"Wha…" the man looked in bewilderment at the bloody palm that came out of his chest before leaving this mortal world.


- Who are you! Why are you interfering with my plans!? - Suddenly an angry scream came from the statue with sparkling red eyes.


- M? Oh, you're definitely some kind of sealed fire demon. Thanks for the talismans. - With a joyful smile, I let the troupe fall to the ground and began to pull the talismans out of the statue, immediately putting them in my inventory.


- How dare you!!!


- Oh, come on, I need to give my boss a present, why would I feel sorry for her? - I finally got out the last talisman, which turned out to be split in half, playfully pouting.


- Wait! Girl. Give me back the talismans, and I promise you will receive riches you have never dreamed of! - the sealed demon spoke, abruptly changing tactics.


- Blah-blah-blah. Why do I need this, I can get any treasures myself. - I said, turning away from the statue and heading towards the girl tied to the dresser, who was looking at me with horror.


- D-don't come near, - the girl screamed in panic with tears in her eyes.


- Don't be afraid, I won't hurt you. - I tried to look as harmless as possible, even hiding my bloody hand behind my back. Apparently, it didn't help.


- Y-you killed him. - Oh right, this is a world of cartoons and such. There are deaths here, something incomprehensible. Otherwise, how can you explain that "Sector 13" still hasn't eliminated the threat.


- Phew. Yes, she did, but look at it from the other side, now that demon won't be able to get out of the seal. - I said, pointing at the statue behind me and, coming closer, tore the ropes off the girl with one movement.


- So, an amulet? - I said, holding out my open palm.


- Okay. - the girl, clearly scared for her life, quickly said and began to pull off the sneaker in which she managed to hide half of the amulet.


- Well done, - I said when they put what was required in my palm and stroked her head with my free hand, forgetting that she was covered in blood.


- Oh. - I said awkwardly when the girl lost consciousness and at that very moment, two identical men appeared in the office, knocking down the doors.


"Jade!" one of them cried out as the other immediately rushed to attack.


- Yes, everything is fine with your little one. - I said slightly irritated, dodging the kick and taking the second half of the tiger amulet from my inventory and connecting them.


There was a short light show and instead of two twins, there stood one Jackie Chan in front of me.


- Okay, I defeated your evil, took what I needed, so. Bye-bye. - I said goodbye before teleporting back to my world.