26. Training-punishment.

Chapter 26


Returning back from the other world, I first went to the restroom to wash the blood off my hand, and when I finished, the master just returned.


- How did everything go, Master? - I immediately asked worriedly.


- Quite well. This time Integra is not going to punish you. However, this is your last chance, one more outburst of anger, and she will most likely either seal you or force me to kill you. - Alucard looked at me intently.


"I know, Master, this won't happen again unless I get the go-ahead," I answered, upset.


- It doesn't matter. I was ordered to teach you how to use my method of teleportation.


- You mean that dark portal? Are you really going to teach me that? Finally, I can officially teleport in front of others!


- If you drink blood regularly, you will be able to learn, although I am not a very good teacher, I hope you are ready.


- Yes! Of course! – I happily confirmed.


- This won't be a walk in the park, policewoman. This will also be your punishment.


- Everything is fine, master, do your best.


- Ha-ha-ha-ha. You said it yourself, don't hate me later. - Alucard laughed hysterically before grabbing my head and dragging me somewhere through the shadows.


A few seconds later we found ourselves in a room similar to Alucard's, only it was completely empty. There was no light, no furniture, and not even a door.




- Yes. You will be trapped here until you can leave the same way I brought you here. Also, I will leave some of my familiars to speed up the process. And remember, you must leave exactly the way I said. - As Alucard spoke, several shadows grew out of him.


Just as the Basque once did, 4 different figures appeared. A giant horned snake, a minotaur with a giant hammer, a spider that could easily give Aragog from Harry Potter a run for his money, and something that looked like a flock of insects forming a single organism.


- Master, before you continue, could you please pass something on to Sir Integra? - I quickly said, realizing that this time I was in deep shit.


- Fine.


After receiving the master's confirmation, I took out 4 talismans from my inventory. "This is the gift I wanted to give, magical talismans that, even if Sir Integra had to fight Anderson, she might well emerge victorious."


- Really? What exactly do they do? - Alucard asked with interest, taking the amulets from my hands.


- The bull talisman will give strength no less than that of a vampire, and maybe even more, the rabbit talisman will give such speed that you can even run on water, the horse talisman will give healing from wounds and diseases at such a level that you can grow a limb, and diseases and poisons are not scary, and finally the dog talisman will give the wearer immortality and youth. So that they work enough that they are, for example, in your pocket, but ideally it is worth making some kind of strong belt in which they can be kept.


- This... policewoman, you understand that it is you who are giving away, as soon as information about them leaks out, a hunt will begin, up to and including a war between countries. - the vampire was shocked.


- Yes, but other countries don't have you, Master, I just ask you, when you transfer, be sure to tell us what the talismans do.


"Okay. Now." Alucard agreed before turning to his familiars.


- I want you to hurt her over and over again without killing her directly. Do this until she learns to escape through the shadows. Understood?


- Yes Master! - thundered many voices, I bet most of them were from that insect abomination.


- Oh, yes, the policewoman. - As if just now remembering, Alucard turned to me and handed me several bags of blood for sustenance.


"This won't be fun, I hope you can escape before you break." The vampire said darkly before disappearing.


- Well, that would be a fucking nightmare, - I said as soon as Alucard disappeared and immediately after my words the snake suddenly attacked me, biting off my left forearm.


- Fuck, why don't we start right away?! - I screamed, groaning in pain.


- Yeah. I don't know what you did to anger Massster, but we will obey his orders, whatever they may be. - the snake hissed back at me.


"I know you're a snake and all, but since you're also a demon, why do you lisp?" I asked, my hand still bleeding.


"Damn, this is going to be difficult."


- Hahahaha. - The minotaur laughed loudly, attracting our attention.


- She's right, like, you know, I don't say "Moo" every time.


- That's exactly what I was talking about, by the way, my name is Seras.


- At the end, if you're still in your right mind, I'll tell you my name.





Meanwhile, while I was locked in with the demons, Alucard was sitting on his throne drinking wine, until suddenly, even before the knock was heard.


- Come in, Walter.


- How do you know that it's me, Alucard, every time?


- Who else could have come here?


- For example, Sir Integra?


"She hasn't done this for many years…" Alucard said slowly, indulging in memories.


- Where is Seras? I thought you were supposed to be training her. - Walter asked when after a few seconds he still hadn't seen the girl.


- Hm? Oh yeah, I left it in my old room. - The vampire said and began to chuckle darkly when he saw Walter's face turn pale.


- You don't mean...


- Yes, plus I left a few demons to keep her company until she escaped.


- How could you! She's a child! - Walter shouted.


- Yes! She is a child. My child, who made a mistake and now she is being punished.


- You didn't have to go that far, Alucard! She's just a teenager.


- Do you think I don't know this, Walter? Do you think I want this? No, Integra and the policewoman asked for this themselves.


- Did Seras ask?


- She asked to do everything possible, and here it is. At least the worst, which does not include me. - the vampire smiled grimly.


- Will she be okay?


"I'm sure she's not as weak as you think, Walter," Alucard said as Walter hurried away to tell Integra.


- Hmm, and what should I do with you? - Alucard said thoughtfully, looking at the talismans, in which a power unknown to the vampire could be felt. - Okay, if the policewoman doesn't cope by the morning, then I'll give her a gift, otherwise let her figure it out herself.