31. Is Alucard confused?

Chapter 31


Arriving at Helena's house, the first thing I felt was my fellow traveler's intense gaze, which I simply could not ignore.


- What? How would I explain the situation to him? - I immediately rushed to say, realizing that Helena didn't like it.


"I can't believe you just ran away, stopping the show at the most interesting part," the vampire said disappointedly before sitting down in her chair.


- Performance?


- Well, you know, it was quite interesting to watch everything from the outside. For many years there was nothing that could arouse my interest, and you suddenly stopped everything, it's like first giving a particularly appetizing piece of meat to a starving person, and then ripping it right out of his mouth. - Helena said with an offended face.


- Um... Well... Sorry? - I apologized hesitantly, and then tried to change the subject. - So you believe me now?


- After something like that, it would be hard not to believe. Why did you even decide to show me such an ability?


- Well, I saw that you were tired of this life and I wanted to diversify it a little for you. This seemed like a good way to do it.


- You know. You're ugly.


"Why?" I asked, slightly offended.


- Why!? You're asking me why?! You just demonstrated powers that I believe should only be available to gods! How am I supposed to feel about this?!" the vampire suddenly screamed, and I just thought she was taking the journey between worlds well.


- Um... You know, if you want to get to another universe, please come to Hellsing and don't tell anyone! - I grinned and ran to the exit.


Passing Harry, who was still talking on the phone, I used the dark portal to return to Hellsing.


"What a silly girl," Helena muttered before smiling. "But that's not a bad thing."


Returning to the mansion, I went to the basement and was about to knock on the door of Alucard's room when he spoke.


- I see you're back, police officer.


- Hello, - I greeted the master happily.


"You'll have some explaining to do, policewoman," Alucard said, chuckling darkly, making the hair on the back of my neck stand on end.


I immediately tried to run away, completely forgetting about teleportation, throwing open the door through which I had just entered, I had almost run out when the vampire's hand grabbed me by the head and pulled me back into the room, and the wide-open doors, according to all the canons of horror films, slammed shut on their own.


- Nooooo! - I screamed comically, watching the door move further and further away.


Throwing me onto the bed, Alucard sat down next to me and finally spoke.


- So, what did my chick do that she reeks of an energy unknown to me? - the vampire asked with his favorite creepy smile that could make even an adult shit himself.


- Before I say anything, can I ask a question?


- You already asked.


- You know perfectly well that I meant something else!


- Hahaha. I know. What kind of question is that? - Alucard said after a little laugh.


- Well, remember you told me that we can get the memories and powers of those whose blood we drank.


- Yes?


- Why can't other vampires do this?


"Have you met another vampire?" Alucard asked, clearly angry.


- Yes, but it's not my fault. An MI5 inspector came to my house and sort of forced me to go with him.


- How could a simple man force you?


- Well, he knew my father and told me stories about him. So it was kind of a payment for it.


- I see, so he was blackmailing you.


- Well, blackmail is a bit too strong a word for this situation, but yes.


Alucard sighed and decided to answer my question.


- As you know, I was a human who became a vampire myself. I became a unique creature among vampires. This situation gave me some advantages that other members of my species do not have.


"I see," I thought, but a moment later Alucard interrupted me.


- Now tell me about the power that you received and, more importantly, where it came from, like the talismans, I don't remember anything similar in my long life.


- Good. Do you remember my ability to teleport and see what I want?


- Yes. You got it from that creature when you reincarnated, right?


- Yes. Well, I can teleport and see not only in this world, but also in other worlds.


"Why didn't you tell me about this?" he asked angrily.


- Well... f... r..l...l...z – I muttered the answer so quietly that even Alucard didn't hear.


- What?


"I wanted to make it a surprise!" I cried out, embarrassed, and then added more quietly, "And you didn't ask how far I can teleport."


- …


- …


We looked at each other in silence for a few seconds before Alucard turned away.


- Master?


- ... consider that you surprised me, police girl. - Alucard said, still not looking.


"Could it be that he…" I began to think mentally about the strange behavior of the master, seeing that it seemed that Dracula's cheeks had turned a little red.


- No! A policewoman! Now tell me what ability you received on your journey. - Alucard literally growled before changing the subject.


- Well, in another world, I was attacked by people who call themselves ninjas and using energy called chakra, they can strengthen themselves, control the elements and much more, the strongest of them can destroy entire cities with one technique, well, so I drank the blood of one of the attackers, although he was weak.


- Seras, - the master suddenly called me by name, and then with an anticipatory smile added, - Next time you have to take me with you, understand?


- Y-yes, Master.