32. Before the round table.

Chapter 32

August 30

Alucard's room


Surprisingly, nothing special has happened since my trip to the world of Naruto. The only interesting thing I did was teach Basque the commands to sit, lie down, and roll over. Now I'm trying to teach him to bring things, which was surprisingly difficult for the hellhound.


- Why are you doing this, policewoman? Despite his appearance, he feeds on people. - Alucard expressed his doubts.


- So what? The fact that his diet is unique doesn't make him any less charming and trainable. - I answered, stroking Baska's head.


- If I were still human, it would bother me a little.


- Why? You weren't a saint in life. - I muttered in confusion, slightly tilting my head.


- What? - the vampire asked sharply.


- Nothing! In any case, I have a question.


- Which?


- I know that when you and I drink people's blood, we get their memories, but why doesn't this happen when we drink blood from bags?


- What a stupid question.


- Hey, he's not stupid!


Rolling his eyes at my indignation, the vampire answered: "Do you know this phrase: 'life flashes before your eyes'?"


- Of course, it is quite common.


- Well, what if I tell you that it's true?


- If you think about it, on the day of my conversion, I saw my parents killed right before my eyes.


- Yes, that's it.


- Stop, something is wrong here, I clearly remember how I drank blood from the heart of an already dead person and received both powers and memories.


- How much time has passed since his death?


- Well, about a minute, - I answered thoughtfully.


- Here is the answer to your question. After death, a person's soul does not leave the body for 1 to 5 minutes, it depends on how long the person lived.


- Thank you, it's quite nice to know what it takes to not get the memories of someone who raped me before, I'd rather avoid such abomination in my memories.


- You can choose for yourself whether to keep such memories.


- Really?! How?!


- This will be available to you when you become a full-fledged vampire. I personally keep all the souls I have eaten, because it makes me stronger.


- I see. - I answered, slightly upset. After all, I certainly don't plan on committing genocide anytime soon.


- It doesn't mean that being more selective is bad, in fact I should get rid of some of them.


- Why?


- Because when you drink someone, they will be inside you as a separate entity. So if you lose concentration, you will be able to hear your tenants. - Alucard answered with a chuckle at the end.


- Seriously? So you really hear everyone you've eaten while you sleep?


- It used to be like that, but as I got older, the voices became much quieter. Although, they were probably just tired.


- Okay. I understand. Master, thank you for telling me.


- It's okay, policewoman. I'm your boss and that's why I'm here.


"I'm so glad you're my master," I replied with a smile.


After playing with Baski a little more, I left the room and headed to Integra's office, where I immediately knocked on the door, waiting for an answer.


- Come in, Seras.


"How did you know, sir?" I asked, looking around the door, while checking to see if Walter was in the office.


- What do you want? - Integra asked, ignoring my question.


- I have a request.


- A request? What is it?


- Can I go to the meeting with you in a few days?


- How do you know about this?


- The master told me. He is quite talkative with me.


- Really? In any case, the answer is no. We are not allowed to bring outside personnel into the conference room.


- Yes? Then I'll stay outside.


- Why do you even want to come? These are boring and drawn-out conversations with old people. - Integra asked in bewilderment.


"I'm afraid that something might happen," I answered after thinking for a bit.


- What are you talking about? - the head of Hellsing became slightly wary.


- Well, when the master and I were out for a walk a couple of weeks ago, I saw a strange guy who looked like a madman. He was shouting about how he was going to kill a lot of big shots soon. At the time, it seemed like just drunken nonsense to me, but with the information about the round table meeting superimposed, it doesn't seem so crazy anymore. - I answered uncertainly.


- Really? So you're worried that someone is going to invade and kill the Royal Knights?


- Oh, I don't care about them, only you! Besides, if it's true, then standing outside won't make things worse, and I'd rather those suspicious old men not see the power of the talismans. - I said, pouting at the end.


- I-I... you know, you're right, with vampires' senses, it's not surprising if you heard something that ordinary people couldn't. Even if Alucard was there, he probably wouldn't care about something like that. - After my words, Integra was momentarily embarrassed, but nevertheless quickly pulled herself together.


- By the way, Seras, by then Walter should be finished with your personal modified weapon.


- Really?! My modified weapon? - I asked happily.


- Yes, Seras. He designed it especially for you. - Integra answered with a gentle smile.


- Hooray! Finally, there are no more ordinary weapons that anyone can use. My own weapon! Hooray-hooray! - I shouted joyfully, jumping up and down.


- How should I introduce you?


"Wouldn't it be funny if I pretended to be your assistant when they arrived?" I asked with an anticipatory smile.


- Hmmmm. It would be interesting to see. These old fools have a hard time with change. - Integra nodded.


- Do you agree?


- Yes, but pretending to be an assistant won't be easy, why don't you come to my office around noon to sort things out. They should be arriving at 6pm, and you can follow me to greet them and Walter.


- Okay! Then I'll try to get some sleep, see you later, Inti. - I said playfully leaving for the office.


"I told you not to call me that when we're in the mansion!" Integra called after me before sighing and sitting back down in her seat.