33. Schrödinger's Cat

Chapter 33


September 2 11:54


I had this really amazing dream about killing the bastards who killed my parents. Just as I was about to rip one of their arms off, I suddenly felt something like a headache.


It wasn't painful, more like my head suddenly felt heavy. As I pulled away from the pleasant experience, I realized I was in a dream and immediately after that my surroundings changed.


I found myself in a black space filled with a huge number of fragments, reminiscent of a broken mirror. Looking around, I saw how something was moving between the fragments, which, apparently, were my memory.


- Nyahahahaha! This girl is funny! - a peculiar laugh was heard.


As I got closer, I finally got a good look at the intruder. He was a short, blond guy with cat ears, dressed in a Nazi uniform.


- Schrodinger?


- Nya? - the guy turned to me in surprise.


- What are you doing here? Wait… Are you looking at my memories? - I asked in confusion before getting angry.


- Why are YOU here? I've never seen anyone else do something like this. - Instead of answering, he asked a counter question.


"Hmm... looks like the major was interested in learning about me because of Alucard. I wonder if in canon he also sent Shredder into Seras' head or if she wasn't perceived as a worthy variable back then?"


- I didn't expect the major to be interested in me so early.


- Do you know the major? - Schroedinger was surprised.


- Let's do it this way: you answer my question, and I agree to yours?


"I don't mind," the guy replied, folding his hands behind his head.


- Why are you working with him?


- With the Major? Well, I don't have any particular reason. I've spent my whole life with them, starting from the moment I woke up in Doc's lab.


- I see. Do you know what their plan is for you during the terrorist attack in London?


- You even know about the attack... Heh, the major won't be happy. I know that, I'll have to commit suicide.


- And you will do it? You want to die?


- Nyahahaha, it's not that simple, firstly, I'll be able to do something that most likely even the one who is ready to be called the god of vampires can't do. I'll kill Alucard and you know it's far from a fact that this will be the end for me, because I'm "Schrödinger's cat"! - the guy answered, laughing slightly with a crazy smile, thereby deciding how our meeting would end.


Apparently sensing something in my mood, Schrödinger immediately tried to run away, but he couldn't move. His body was completely frozen, and he could only watch as I approached him with deliberately slow steps.


"Being in my soul, do you really think you can leave without my permission?" I asked with a bloodthirsty smile before grabbing the guy's head and moving it slightly to the side, exposing his neck.


"Unlike Alucard, your peculiarity doesn't scare me," I whispered in his ear.


- Thank you for the food. - Having said this, I finally sank my fangs into Schrodinger's neck, immediately starting to suck out his blood. I didn't know how his blood would get into my body if everything was happening inside my soul, but at the same time I also felt that by coming here he had become vulnerable, I don't know where from, but I knew that if I drank him now, he would die completely.


For about a minute I greedily absorbed his blood, until finally Schrödinger's body was covered with many white cracks, and a moment later it broke into small former fragments that began to dissolve, simultaneously replenishing my collection of memories.


- It's funny, I've already received the third teleportation ability, and also a bonus parody of immortality. - I said with a satisfied smile.


Some time after absorbing Schrödinger, I woke up to Alucard talking to Integra on the phone.


- I need to talk to you about the important guests who are arriving tomorrow.


- Are they prostitutes?


"No," Integra answered tiredly.


- Well, my interest just waned.


- They are our sponsors.


- Ooo, they must be furious, - Alucard said happily.


- Yes. That's why they cancelled our budget.


- Oh. This is bad. We need this, right? Walter, we need this, right? - Alucard addressed Walter, who was standing next to him.


"Yes, it is very important," Walter said, bowing.


- Thank you, Walter.


"Please, sir," the old man answered with a smile, straightening up.


"We've had a few... rather costly lawsuits over the last couple of years," Integra said slowly.


- Hm? Which ones?


- Firstly, for material damage, when more than a dozen buildings were destroyed during a mission a year ago, - Integra immediately stated.


"Good times," Alucard said with a nostalgic smile.


- The murder of at least a dozen innocent people...


- Oh, please, if they didn't want deaths, then there shouldn't have been people there at all, - the vampire tried to justify his actions.


- They were policemen!


- AND?


- Look, I know I'm asking for a lot, but.


- Noo?


- I want you to stay in the basement until they're all gone.


- ... I have the impression that you are embarrassed in front of me. - Alucard said with feigned sadness.


- Alucard...


- I think I will choose, no.


- It's important, I don't need you to make another scene.


- I don't have to do this, I'll just take a walk.


- No, you're not doing this! - Integra screamed, slamming her fist on the table.


- Oh. So what are you going to do? Call that guy who could stop me? What was his name, Alexander son of someone? - Alucard asked sarcastically.


"What do you want?" Integra asked with a heavy sigh.


- What?


- What... do I need to give you... so that you can stay there for the evening?


- 70-inch plasma TV.


- Seriously?


- With DVD player.


- ...Okay. - After a short silence, Integra gave her consent, after which Alucard hung up.


- Policewoman.


- Yes, master? - I asked, sitting on the bed in my pajamas.


- What happened to you? - asked the vampire, looking at me strangely.


- What are you talking about?


- Seras?! - Walter exclaimed, who, having heard us, also turned his attention to me.


- What's wrong?! - I exclaimed, irritated by such a reaction.


- Look in the mirror and you will understand.


"Okay," I answered sullenly and jumped out of bed and went to the restroom, noticing that my body itself was moving more… gracefully?


Entering the restroom, I immediately headed to the mirror. Looking in there, I finally understood what had surprised Walter and Alucard so much. I had real cat ears on my head!