37. Attack

Chapter 37

When Walter left, all I could do was stand in front of the door and be bored. I even seriously considered taking one of the blood bags I had saved from my inventory to break up the wait with a snack, but I still managed to hold back, you never know when I might need this blood for a quick recovery.


From how unpleasant it was to wait, I even began to lightly tap my foot in irritation, which made the floor shake a little, despite the fact that I didn't even make an effort, I even noticed it only at the moment when the vase next to me fell off the table. Luckily, I managed to catch it.


- Damn, it's a good thing I have vampire reflexes. I don't think Integra would be happy if something broke right outside the door in the middle of a meeting. - I voiced my thoughts out loud and decided to go into the office across the street to change into my uniform.


A few minutes later I was completely ready. Any minute now it was all going to start, and I would finally be able to legally rip the heads off these bastards. It was a shame they would be in the form of ghouls, but it would do.


After waiting like this for a few minutes, I finally heard an explosion from the entrance to the mansion. With a smile full of delight, I waited impatiently for Integra to call me.


- Seras! Come here! - I heard Integra's voice.


- Yes sir! - I answered as I entered the conference room.


As soon as I walked in, I was presented with a view of how most of the so-called "Knights" were ready to shit themselves at any moment. Honestly, if I hadn't seen Penwood's last minutes of life, my impression of him today would have been no better than most of those present.


Sighing at how disappointing these old men were, I walked up to Integra and bowed before her, awaiting orders.


"It seems your fears have come true, Seras," Integra sighed, exhaling cigarette smoke.


- Yes, sir, I am very sorry that this happened, - I said sadly, because this day will really be hard for her, and I, out of selfishness, did not prevent the catastrophe.


- Don't worry Seras, it's definitely not your fault. Who could have known this would happen?


- Sir Integra. I see that this girl is not just a secretary, as you introduced her to us. - said a completely calm Sir Hugh, clearly hinting at my ears, which were not hidden by the hat.


- That's right, Seras is one of my best soldiers. As a bodyguard, she can easily replace even Walter.


"Sounds promising," the man accepted this answer calmly.


At that very moment, our attention was drawn to the ringing telephone that was opposite Integra.


- Report, reception, - came the breathless voice of a man from the other side. - Sir! It's ghouls! We're under attack... oh my god! - the soldier screamed in panic before the line went dead amidst screams and the sounds of torn flesh.


- My God!


- Ghouls?!


- Sir Integra, do something, - Sir Penwood shouted in panic.


- Shut up, Sir Penwood! I assume you have an escape plan in case of something like this? Correct? Sir Integra. - asked Sir Hugh.


"There's a helicopter on the roof, fueled and ready to fly," Integra replied.


- Our evacuation is a top priority! - one of the "knights" shouted, trembling with fear.


"You must secure the path to the helipad!" another exclaimed.


As soon as they finished screaming, another explosion sounded, which came from somewhere above.


- What was that? - asked Sir Penwood.


"It was probably a helicopter that exploded," Integra answered calmly, continuing to smoke her cigar.


- Now please be quiet for a moment, I will contact the communications service to update the information, - she continued, pressing the button that glowed green.


- Provide a full report on what you have... - Integra's words are suddenly interrupted by hysterical sobs.


- Read this damn message. - an irritated voice was heard, which, judging by everything, was addressed to the crying man.


"Oh, this is that moment," I thought back to one of the funniest scenes in Hellsing, trying not to let a smile creep onto my face.


- S-sir In-integra... - the voice of a sobbing man was heard.


- Read it correctly, Asshole! - a voice shouted in the background and the sound of a slap was heard.


- Y-yes sir, - the soldier sobbed.


"Are you a fat English whore?" the man continued in a clearer voice.


- Yes, that's it, continue.


- Me and my older brother Luke are killing all your people and turning them into ghouls. So... I hope... you've made peace with yourself, because when I find you, I'll... oh god. - The soldier's voice was filled with disgust at the end of his sentence.


"Keep reading or I'll shoot the other testicle," the vampire said, adding a shot from his pistol to his words.


- Because when I find you, I will fuck every hole of yours! And then I will make even more holes to fuck until there is nothing left but your ruined corpse full of blood and cum. - the crying man read loudly.


- Oh my God, this is terrible! - said the soldier, and judging by his voice, he almost threw up.


- You're not finished yet.


- So get your dry pussy ready for my huge vampire cock, and now if you'll excuse me, I have to blow the brains out of this red-headed faggot... OH GOD NO! - there was a gunshot, followed by what was most likely the sound of brains splattering.


- HAHAHA, that dude's face was something else! Oh, that shit is priceless! - the vampire laughs hysterically before hanging up.


As soon as the call ended, those in the conference room began to feel a pressure that was incomprehensible to them.


"Why, why am I so angry! When I was watching the anime, and even a few minutes ago, I thought it was funny!" she screamed in her mind, literally seething with rage and the desire to tear this bastard to shreds. - Exactly! I get it. It's all because of Integra. When I was watching the anime, she was just a character, but now everything is different. Now she is dear to me and this bastard insulted her."