38. Against Jan Valenstein

Chapter 38


While I was lost in thoughts worthy of a budding Yandere, Integra, despite the slightly heavier atmosphere, calmly entered a series of numbers on her phone and contacted Walter in the basement.


- What's the situation, Walter?


- Ma'am, I have been informed that the entire first floor is already occupied, and the second floor is already under attack as we speak. Since Seras is with you, and I am here with Alucard, I suggest we split up and attack from both sides. - As soon as Walter mentioned Alucard, some of the knights shuddered in horror. As if this was not a vampire working for Hellsing, but some Voldemort from the Harry Potter series for wizards.


- Since Alucard can take care of himself just fine, I'm going to go upstairs to give Seras some support.


- How will you get in here? The whole estate is crawling with ghouls.


- Sir, do you remember how many years ago you were able to get to Alucard?


- Exactly! - Integra realized, involuntarily looking up, where the ventilation should have been located.


Having calmed down, Integra, after a few seconds of silence, nevertheless allowed herself a little weakness.


"Walter? Are we finished?" she asked the man who had replaced her father, maintaining a calm appearance.


- Nonsense! Compared to what Van Hellsing faced in the past, this can't even be called a problem. - Walter answered proudly.


- Walter, I don't want any of these bastards to leave this area alive! Is that clear?!


- By your order, Sir Integra! - Walter answered, and as if the world itself had decided to play along with him, lightning flashed outside the window.


As soon as Integra hung up, she turned her attention to me.


- Seras, what do you think about the enemy heading towards us?


- I think I can handle it easily, Sir Integra. The attackers most likely don't know about my capabilities, and therefore a surprise attack is the best option. As soon as the vampire gets to this floor, I will grab him by the neck and tear it off completely before he has time to react, I dare to hope that he is not stronger than Alucard's demons. - I said with a smile on my face, while feeling how the knights nearby clearly began to fear me.


"Yes Seras, this vampire is clearly a piece of trash, so if it's you, then everything will work out." Integra agreed before showing a cold expression.


- Seras! Listen to my orders! - Integra began loudly.


- Sir! - I said, kneeling on my left knee and bowing my head, awaiting the order.


- These creatures eat my people, turn them into ghouls and finally dare to look down on me. KILL THEM ALL! I want them to regret ever setting foot in my home!


- Yes. Sir Integra. - I said and showed Integra a bloodthirsty smile and began to fall into the shadow beneath me.


"Oh, I wish they would come soon! I can't wait to test my new weapon!" I thought, hiding in the shadows of the corridor, with an anticipatory smile on my face.




Alucard's room, after Walter leaves.


When Alucard finally waited for Walter to leave, delivering his new gun and the promised TV with DVD, he pulled out from his shadow a DVD labeled "Dracula", with the same picture that was on the poster in the cinema.


He inserted the disc, pressed the right buttons on the remote control, and finally the movie started playing.


- It can't be as bad as the picture, because it's a movie about me. I hope they did me justice. If not, I'll be forced to pay them a visit. - Judging by the vampire's eyes, he had quite high expectations from the movie at first, but by the end of the sentence, his gaze was so cold that it seemed a little more and he would start to affect the surroundings.




Damn, how I hate waiting! However, despite all this, I wanted to do it so that my face would not be seen. I had to wait for about 10 minutes until finally, I heard the steps of several creatures climbing the stairs, as well as the voice of that abomination that was cackling while talking on the phone.


- When I get this bitch, I'm going to fuck her, kill her, make her a ghoul, and then fuck her again! Oh my God! I'm already hard as a rock. - said Jan Wallenstein, finally about to turn the corner where I was waiting for him.


The moment he finished his sentence, my hand appeared before his eyes, which a split second later closed his eyes and drove the vampire's head into the wall, causing him to lose consciousness for a moment.


Immediately after I slammed him into the wall, I shifted and put my other hand on the back of his head and threw him face down on the floor. The force of the blow caused the floor to crack and bend slightly.


- What the hell? - that's what the vampire wanted to scream, but because he was deeply driven into the floor, only an incomprehensible whimper was heard.


As soon as he tried to get up, he felt two heavy objects touch his shoulders, followed by two shots, and the vampire lost his arms.


"This bastard is a corpse! I have a whole army of ghouls behind me!" the lying vampire thought angrily.


Meanwhile, he heard multiple shots being fired right above him, and when the shots stopped, unlike expected, his head was suddenly being pushed into the ground by a foot, causing severe pain.


"What the hell is going on? Why didn't the ghouls take care of this idiot?" the vampire thought in confusion.


- Wow, these guns are pretty powerful! How good that they were made for me. - I exclaimed joyfully, looking at the ghouls I had destroyed. The guns were so powerful that with one shot I could tear apart the heads of several ghouls at once. And the vampire beneath me at that time finally realized that he had lost to the girl and was indignant about it.




Shortly before the shooting began, a plump figure could be seen on a blimp with Nazi symbols complaining about something to his men.


- What happened? Why is there no image? - a voice full of discontent rang out in German.


- Sorry, Major, but everything seems to be fine. There is still sound, so maybe Jan Wallenstein is just in a dark place. - another voice answered him in German.


- Hm. He was in a lit corridor, how did it suddenly get so dark? Lieutenant?


- A dark-skinned woman covered in tattoos stepped out of the shadows and answered.


- Perhaps someone ambushed him and pushed him face down on the floor, shortly before dark, I saw how a gloved hand covered the fool's eyes.


A few moments later, gunshots and a female voice were heard on the broadcast.


- Whose voice was that? The ensign? - asked the plump major.


"I don't know, sir, there shouldn't be any women in the building except Integra Hellsing. And that voice isn't hers," the man replied, sweating with worry.


- Hmm. Okay, never mind, let's listen. - said the Major, sitting down and no longer paying attention to the others.


Meanwhile, in Hellsing, I was pinning the nasty man down with one arm while sitting on his back.


- Hmmmm... What should we do with you? - I said, tapping the gun on the man's head.


- Mooooooo.


- Oh, sorry, I didn't quite hear you. Could you please repeat that?


- Mmmph! Mvvfyam!


- I have no idea what you're talking about. Again, an ugly fake piece of shit like you won't say anything good anyway. - Having said that, I pressed his head even harder into the floor, which began to make a cracking sound, like bones breaking.


"What do you think, Major?" I smiled, leaned over and quietly spoke into the man's ear.


As soon as I said this, the man underneath me suddenly froze and just lay underneath me, afraid to move.


- Oh! The glorious major of the last battalion! He created these fakes in the hope of defeating Alucard, the only real vampire. - I continued to speak in his ear.


"I wonder if they know your real purpose? Except for a select few, I wonder how much the rest know? Cuckoo-cuckoo." I said before I started laughing maniacally, like Alucard sometimes does.


- Oh yeah, I almost forgot, I wanted to say something else to some of you. First of all, to the doctor, thank you for the wonderful snack in the form of Schrodinger, it was quite nutritious and yes, he really should try harder, these pathetic copies of vampires will never compare to the original.


- To Rip Van Winkle: You should know that it's best not to try to shoot Alucard, even if your bullets are considered magical.


- Lieutenant Zorin Blitz: Stop being such a bitch all the time, one day it will bite you in your flat ass.


- The captain who doesn't say: hang yourself a little, you always look too bored.


- And finally, glorious major: I hope you enjoy this war you are trying to wage, because I certainly will.


- And now I think it's time for me to go, Sir Integra is calling me. Auf Wiedersehen! - I said before shooting the vampire in the neck, where the chip should have been located.