39. Seras's plan.

Chapter 39


As soon as the shot rang out, the transmission at the Millennium base ended.


- Kukukuku. He-he-he. Ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha! - laughed the Major with mad glee in his voice.


- Oh, how wonderful! An unknown enemy who knows so much about us. I can feel her hand tightly squeezing my neck! Truly incredible! - Major said in complete silence when he finally finished laughing.


"Doctor," he addressed the frightened vampire standing next to him.


- Yes, sir?


- We need a replacement for Schrodinger before the operation begins, obviously he won't be coming back, - the Major ordered.


- But, it will require a huge amount of resources and time. If we could postpone...


- No. We will accept this challenge and you, doctor, had better make it to the beginning. - Major said with a "kind" smile.






Hellsing Mansion.


Blood was flowing profusely from Jan's shot neck, and I finally let go of him, allowing him to get to his feet.


- Oh! No regeneration, Mr. Wallenstein? - I asked mockingly.


- Shh... shut up! Bitch! - despite the hole in his neck, the vampire was able to answer.


- Oh, yeah, I forgot. You're just an ant, and you have nothing to do with all this. What was it like leading an army of ghouls here? Easy? Boring?


- I said, shut up! I'll kill you, you fucking whore! - the vampire attacked me.


- Ha-ha-ha-ha, what a stupid bug. Running towards death and screaming: "I'll kill you." Is that irony? Stupidity? Arrogance? Or all of the above? - I asked, dodging Ian's attacks as if I was taking a stroll.


Until one moment he tried to hit me with his hand in the area of my heart and when he already thought that he would succeed, I grabbed his wrist and then turned him around with force. As soon as his back was to me, I let go of his hand and grabbed my head with both hands.


"You know, if you were good for anything, it would be a stress reliever. I tried something like that on another vampire about a month ago and it was over too quickly, so I'll try to be gentle. You're happy, aren't you, Ian?" I asked, my voice filled with wild amusement.


"What the hell does that mean?" the vampire replied, trying to remove my hands from his head.


- Do you know, Ian? The group you and your brother work for... the short name, if I'm not mistaken, is "Millennium"? Their vampires are literally pirated copies of a vampire who is much weaker than my master, Alucard. So when you, essentially failed copies of copies, try to go against me, what do you think will happen? - I asked mockingly, starting to squeeze my head a little.


- Aaaaah! You bitch! Let me go! Let me go! - Jan screamed as his skull began to crack a little.


- You don't answer me, it's not fun! Well, the answer, my silly little Jan Wallenstein, is that you'll be swatted like a fly. The only reason I let you live this long was to just say a few words to that fat Major. - I said as blood began to flow from my squeezed head.


- Ha... haha... ha. *splash* - the vampire laughed quietly, accepting defeat before his head burst and my palms met each other.


After watching the vampire's body slowly fall to the ground for a while, I shook the brain matter off my uniform and walked up to the door of the conference room and knocked.


- Sir Integra? Can you hear me?


- Seras?


- Yes, sir, I dealt with one of the vampires that attacked the estate. He is currently lying in a pool of his own blood. The Master is currently dealing with the second one. So, only the ghouls remain. I was going to go and kill them before they completely wipe out our forces. Is that okay?


- Yes, go faster, Seras! You need to save as many of my soldiers as possible.


- Yes sir, I will finish as quickly as I can. Take care of yourself sir! - I said before leaving.






Meanwhile in the basement. As Luke Wallenstein approached, Alucard was still watching the movie about him. The beginning was normal, it showed his backstory when he was human.


He didn't mind because it was shown more or less accurately. But when they showed his appearance as a vampire, he almost tore his throne apart in rage. What the hell was he wearing in those horrible clothes, his body looked like that of a balding old man who was over a hundred years old! No, he was over a hundred, of course, but his body didn't look like that!


Gritting his teeth and closing his eyes, Alucard managed to calm down and tried to look at the others without bias. And he noticed the man who plays the role of Van Hellsing.


- Why does he look so good?! I'm the goddamn vampire king and I have a lousy old man and Abraham has a thirty year old muscular guy? I'm definitely going to meet the man who did this.


Alucard's anger was boiling as the movie was approaching its climax, and at that moment the front door explodes, sending large shards of glass through the 70" plasma TV. Alucard was still staring at the screen before gritting his teeth.


- Hmmm... is he hiding here? Why would he hide if he's not afraid of us? - Luke Wallenstein's voice rang out in the room.


- I know you're here. Even when you hide your "I", I still feel you. - the vampire, who had just begun to get used to the darkness in the room, said with condescension in his voice, until he saw the throne and a table next to it with a bottle of wine on it.


"It was a 70-inch plasma TV," Alucard said disappointedly before taking a deep breath.


"So, how can I help you?" Alucard asked.


In response, Luke began to monologue, describing Alucard's nicknames over the years.


- God, damn it! Will you finish this soon? - Alucard shouted in anger.


- E-excuse me?


- I was sitting here minding my own business when some blonde piece of shit wandered in and destroyed my centuries-old oak door and ruined the climax of my movie! Do you know what I do to people who ruin my climax?!


- N-no?


- Well, you'll find out soon enough! - Alucard said, pulling out his pistol.


After dodging the bullet, Luke tripped over a large object and fell on top of it, knocking over several plush objects. He grabbed the one closest to him and took a closer look.


"A teddy bear?!" Luke exclaimed in shock before looking at the rest of the bed and seeing even more stuffed animals.


- Ah, I forgot about that. It's for my maid. For some reason she likes to sleep here, with me. - Alucard said, seeing the expression on Luke's face.


"A handmaid? Another vampire? Shit! Ian!" Luke thought worriedly about his brother.


- Wow! She was right. You guys really don't know anything about her. The policewoman is truly one of a kind.


- A policewoman? She's a policewoman and your maid? - Luke asked.


- No, before she became my maid, she was a police officer. I won't name her, it would be too easy for the observers.


- How did you find out?


- My favorite maid told me.


- And you just accepted it? What if she was wrong?


- Wrong? Ha-ha-ha-ha-ha! - Alucard said questioningly before starting to laugh maniacally.


- What? What's funny?!


- Idiot, that's funny because she knew you guys were coming tonight, she knew it months ago. She also knew about the other attacks, which confirmed the information for me. We even went into town and watched your stupid brother pick people for your ghoul army a couple of weeks ago. - Alucard shared happily.


- Wait, she knew we were coming and didn't think to stop us before? She must be too stupid. - Luke laughed.


- Stupid? No, in fact, she is much smarter than many people think. - Alucard sighed.


- You know, when she first came here, many of the soldiers working here looked at her with disdain and muttered nonsense knowing that she could hear. She really wanted to kill them all, but she knew that if she did that, I would be ordered to kill her. So she decided to kill them in a different way. - Alucard said with a smile.


"Another way?" Luke asked quietly before his eyes widened in realization.


- Guessed? Yes, she let you come so that they would all turn into ghouls, and then she could kill them in peace. My policewoman is truly one of a kind. Hahahaha. - Alucard said before laughing.


- This is madness! No normal person would do this, she is crazy! - shouted Wallenstein.


- Yes, she is. That is why I like what she does so much. - Dracula smiled.


- And now it's time to punish you. - Alucard said, changing his smile to a bloodthirsty one, and the basement plunged into impenetrable darkness, from which screams of pain soon began to be heard.