40. Survivor.

Chapter 40

While Alucard was having fun with Luke, I was destroying ghouls on the second floor with a crazy smile on my face. Even though most of them were brought by the stupid brothers, I still enjoyed tearing off the heads with familiar faces of those who whispered behind my back and even dared to chat about how they would fuck me knowing that I could hear.


While happily tearing these bastards apart with my bare hands, I suddenly heard the sounds of gunshots.


- Did anyone else survive? Damn it, I have to save them, I promised Integra. - I muttered disappointedly, rushing towards the noise.


- Arthur? - I was surprised to see that the only soldier I felt sorry for was the one who survived, surprisingly.


Without waiting long, I rushed into the battle and quickly eliminated the ghouls surrounding the guy. From the surprise, he pointed a weapon at me, but realizing who was in front of him, he relaxed and leaned against the wall, slowly sinking to the floor.


- Seras! I'm so glad to see you. - A smile appeared on the soldier's exhausted face.


- Arthur, is that you? - I stopped, seeing the state of the soldier in front of me. He had literally had part of his leg torn off and a huge wound on his stomach.


- Heh, looks like I'm a corpse. At least I got to see you before I died. - Arthur laughed through force.


- Arthur. Why couldn't you just hide until the ghouls died? - I asked with slight sadness, laying the head of the only soldier who treated me normally on my lap.


- He-he, I'm a Hellsing soldier. I couldn't just hide, I was taught to fight to the last. Besides, it wouldn't be bad to impress such a beautiful woman. - He passed out with a stupid smile.


- If it were the past Seras, maybe you would have won her heart. - I said with a sad smile, and then took out the horse talisman from my inventory and put it in the unconscious guy's hand.


- How stupid I am, nya. - I got emotional because of some random guy. - I shook my head, while internally glad that in my free time I collected a couple more sets of talismans just in case. The main thing is that Alucard doesn't find out that I left without him.


After waiting for the talisman to restore Arthur's wounds, I returned it to my inventory and, laying the soldier on the floor, I went to continue the cleanup. It seems that Seras's personality affected me much more than I thought.


After a rather awkward moment that slightly spoiled my mood, I took up the task of destroying the ghouls with particular pleasure. The corridors were covered in blood, even from the ceiling you could see blood dripping onto the ruined carpet.


Until one moment I felt Alucard's restrictions being lifted.


- Ah... he removed the restriction! I'm so happy! - feeling a strange excitement, holding the severed head of the ghoul in my hand, I joyfully exclaimed.


- I should pick up the pace so as not to disappoint the Master. - I said and began to take the ghoul clearing more seriously. Using the shadow portal and moving at the maximum speed available, I rushed through the entire mansion in an instant, leaving behind only torn ghouls. And only after I was done, I headed to meet Alucard.


Approaching the stairs leading to the basement, I saw Luke whining on the steps and in front of him, Alucard in all his glory, having transformed one of his hands into a dog, seemingly made of eyes.


"You call me a dog. But who are you then, whining in fear and wallowing in your own urine?" Alucard asked.


"Wouldn't that turn him into dog food?" I let myself intervene in this scene and before Luke could turn to me, I grabbed his head from both sides, forcing him to look forward. From how much force I applied, part of his skull was crushed.

Deciding to check something, I let go of his face with one of my hands and grabbed his glasses. The way he clenched his teeth and began squinting strongly indicated that vampirization had not corrected his vision.


- Indeed, your vampirization is not even capable of correcting your vision. You know, this is a serious drawback. - I said, examining the glasses that were clearly needed to correct my vision.


- How did you...ugh! - Before he could ask, I used one hand to squeeze his skull hard, making him shut up.


- Shut up, you piece of dirt. Be grateful that my master allowed you to live this long after such a disappointment. You really should have fought better before dying like a pathetic sack of shit.


- What are you doing here, policewoman? You are supposed to protect Integra. - Alucard asked angrily.


- I just wanted to see you kill him. I already took care of everyone else. I even found one surviving soldier.


- Okay. So, what should we do with our prisoner?


- Well, the information from him is useless, since he's just disposable trash to them. That's the only explanation why else they could say he's strong enough to kill you.


"That's true. It's funny that such a pathetic creature could even try to do that," Alucard agreed.


- Then there's no point in keeping him. His brother would be more useful for stress relief.


- Really? Then I should have fought him.


- No, he was extremely weak. However, he was so vulgar that it was even funny.


- Well, that's bad. My anger is still here, and I won't even be able to watch the rest of the movie.


- What movie? - I asked immediately.


- You don't have to worry about it. - Alucard said slightly threateningly, but how could that stop me from finding out something obviously interesting? However, I was interrupted by Luke who suddenly burst out.


It is unclear why, but he did not try to escape completely, and ran out of the basement, squinting hard, trying to make out me, while the wound on his face healed with a small click.


- Wow! You do have regenerative abilities. I'm impressed! - I said clapping my hands.


- Shut up! Who are you?


- I don't have to answer. However, I'm curious, why do you have regeneration, unlike your brother?


- You won't learn anything from me.


- Well, I wasn't going to ask. - I said with a smile before I got next to him, grabbed his right arm, and knocked him to the ground, breaking the bone.


- Argh! What the hell are you doing!


"I want to know about your healing. Since you won't tell me, I have to check for myself," I explained, watching his bone slowly heal.


It took him about 2 minutes to heal the bone, which apparently caused him unbearable pain.


- I see. So it's that weak. I expected more. - Frowning in disappointment, I began to tear off his remaining limbs. While Luke screamed in pain.


- Basque! I have a treat for you! - I called and the next moment a small dog came out of my shadow and greeted me wagging its tail.


- Basque! Who's a good boy? - I asked playfully, picking up the dog.


Under the embarrassed gaze of the vampire twitching in pain, I gave his hand to the dog like a tasty treat, who ate it in seconds.


- Good boy! And now... - stroking Baski's head, I lowered him to the ground and gave him a couple of commands like sit up and roll over. After he did all of that, I picked Luke up by the head and threw him to the end of the corridor and ordered. - Bring it.


Amidst screams of horror, Baski caught him in mid-air with her mouth and dragged him towards me.


- Good boy! I'm so proud of you! Now, what should we do with a toy that is no longer useful? - I asked, roughly stroking Baski.


- N-no! I'll do whatever you want! Don't let... - before Luke could finish speaking, Baski had devoured him in a couple of bites, leaving only a leg lying nearby and some hair that had fallen out of his mouth.


- Put the rest away. There's no point in throwing away food. - I said, petting Baski.


- It seems you finally taught him to be useful. I am proud of you, policewoman. - Alucard patted my head before heading to his throne.


- Thank you for the praise. I'll go back upstairs and inform Sir Integra of the situation.


- Great. Oh yeah, tell her I want a new TV. This time an 80-inch one.