41. Greedy politicians.

Chapter 41


On the way to the conference room, I happily admired all the traces of blood, which were usually the result of my reprisals against the ghouls.


Finally approaching the hall, I noticed that the doors were open, and these pathetic old men were shouting at Integra, accusing her of incompetence.


- You must take responsibility for your failure, Sir Integra. It is unforgivable that you allowed an intrusion during the Round Table.


- Right, what would you do if one of us died?! - Sir Penwood shouted.


"I would go to your funeral and then return home to continue protecting the queen and the country from other supernatural threats," Integra replied, trying to keep her face as impartial as possible.


- What?!


- Enough Penwood! Sir Integra is right. Queen and country always come first.


Sir Hugh interrupted, causing Integra to smile for a moment before turning to her.


- However, the fact that you allowed this to happen is a serious problem.


Immediately after these words, Sir Hugh noticed my arrival and, seeing my threatening look, began to shake slightly with fear, which Integra noticed and turned in my direction.


- Oh, Seras, what's the situation?


- Sir. All the ghouls were destroyed. Including those created on the spot. Also, the two culprits were killed.


- What about the survivors? - Penwood asked, but to his anger I ignored the question and continued to look at Integra.


"Are there any survivors of Seras?" Integra asked.


- All 7 survivors, not counting me and the Master. - It's good that I managed to visit the infirmary on the way.


- Who are they?


- Captain Fergenson and the five people he was able to gather to jointly contain the ghouls on the first floor, as well as Arthur, whom I managed to save during the battle with the ghouls on the second floor.


"I see. So it was a massacre." Integra muttered quietly before sitting down in her chair.


This time no one said a word until Integra spoke with new confidence.


- Walter.


- Sir?


- Contact the cleaners and the company to restore my house. Also, more soldiers are needed.


"That's not possible, Sir Integra," Sir Hugh interrupted.


- What?


- We have serious doubts about your effectiveness. Especially in light of recent events. We cannot allow you to appropriate more people from the British army.


- Are you crazy?


"Be careful what you say, Sir Integra. Otherwise, you may find yourself stripped of your knighthood," the old man interrupted her sharply.


It was clear that Integra was stunned by this and was in no hurry to answer.


"Damn bastards, I would gladly rip out your hearts and, keeping you alive with a talisman, force you to eat them." - trying to suppress my thirst for blood, I looked angrily at the grinning old men.


"I think that's a bit much, Sir Hugh. Hellsing may not be defeated by something like that, but it will make our task more difficult," Walter said.


- It's true, Walter. That's why we have a separate military force trained specifically to take over your job until you get back on your feet.


-… I see. Then I will walk you to your cars. – Walter bowed, gesturing for them to follow him.


When they left, I looked at Integra and saw her fists clench so hard that blood started dripping out of them. For me, that was the last straw.


Having teleported into the yard and seeing Hugh joking with the others, I waited for the moment when no one was looking at him and instantly found myself behind him, grabbed his hand and teleported into the basement of a parallel version of Hellsing where Alucard was not.


- What happened? - the old man said, struggling with dizziness.


"This, Sir Hugh, is an investigation," I said, pushing the old man onto a dusty chair that was in the room.


- Investigation? Do you even understand who I am? I... - grabbing his face, I successfully silenced him.


- Shut up, you old fool. I want to know why you threatened to strip Integra of her title and why you won't let Hellsing recruit British soldiers. - I used a little force to make him groan in pain.


"As I already said, it's because we have doubts about…" without letting him finish, I hit him in the stomach.


- Don't give me this bureaucratic nonsense. Do you by any chance have a separate military unit trained to hunt vampires in standby mode? Don't mistake me for a dumb blonde just because of the color of my hair. - I almost hissed.


- What are you doing?! It's funny that he only got scared after an unnatural cat hiss slipped into my speech.


- Vampire. Since I answered your question, it would be polite of you to reciprocate.


"It's… it's difficult," the old man answered after a minute of silence.


- Then don't complicate things! - I growled and grabbed his little finger and broke it.


- Aaaaaah! - the old man screamed in pain.


- Do you feel it?! This is part of the pain that men and women feel, who fight for our country, to protect people like you. It's called pain and I will give you much more if you don't start to answer! - I said, taking hold of the ring finger this time.


- Okay! Okay, I'll say it. Just please... don't hurt me anymore. - The bastard screamed before starting to cry.


"I'm waiting," I pressed lightly on his finger.


- We've wanted to get the Hellsings out of the way for a long time. However, since the organization had never failed, we had no reason to go to the queen and ask her to disband them.


"So, let me ask you straight. You want to get Hellsing out of the way so you can fight the vampires yourself?" I looked at him, confused.


- Yes and no, it's so that we can have more control. The Hellsings have always remained behind the scenes, almost completely independent, and it was we who had to clean up after them.


- Do you even realize what you're talking about? You're going to have to fight those who can single-handedly wipe out all your troops, just to gain more power? This is... Hahahahahahahahahahaha! - I laughed heartily.


- W-what's funny?


- I can't believe that England is run by people like you. I thought you were smart. - I answered, still laughing.


- Stop laughing! - Sir Hugh got angry.


After a few minutes, I was finally able to stop laughing.


- Okay, let's say you miraculously managed to bring your plan to life, what do you plan to do with Alucard? - I asked with a grin.


- Of course we'll get rid of him. We can't let a vampire into an organization that kills vampires. - He answered before realizing who he was talking to.


- What a fool you are. Do you even know who Alucard is? - I asked with disdain.


- Oh, it doesn't matter, all that's left is to hope that your brain hasn't completely died. - I waved it off.


- Now, listen here, you will keep quiet about what happened here, and to make sure that you do it... - I grabbed the old man by the hand and began to teleport with him to the places where in this world there were doubles of his loved ones. From his wife to his great-grandchildren. With each jump he became paler and paler.


"I think we understood each other?" I asked the old man.


"Yes," Sir Hugh nodded gloomily.


- Great.


After waiting for the old man to calm down, I teleported us back at exactly the same moment we left.


All the Knights of the Round Table calmly left Hellsing's territory without noticing that Sir Hugh's finger was broken, except for Walter, who looked at me with approval.