Chapter 60
October 7, 2000
Unlike usual, Integra was in no hurry to get out of bed, but instead admired the sweet face of her long-eared servant? Mistress? Integra herself no longer knew how to treat the vampire she had fallen in love with, but one thing was clear, lately, she had been giving more and more pleasant surprises.
The task, which was actually given to them only for the sake of another attempt to hurt her pride, ended up becoming a stumbling block for the round table.
Old idiots who thought they could easily replace her. A little more and they would have lost an entire company and only the presence of Seras, who, contrary to her usual behavior, showed patience and even compassion by saving the poor guys from the jaws of a true vampire - which, by the way, is a separate topic altogether. Just think that a young vampire surpassed a centuries-old true vampire, indeed, Dracula's chicks are special.
- Oh my God, it's already 9 o'clock? I hate this day. - Integra grumbled when she saw what time it was and with a heavy sigh she went to the bathroom.
30 minutes later, Integra's office.
"Knock-knock" came a knock at the door.
- Come in, Walter.
- Good morning, Mistress. I took the liberty today and decided not to disturb your rest by postponing breakfast to a later time. - said the old butler, making a guilty expression, carrying a tray with breakfast in one hand.
- It's okay Walter, I really needed a little break. Were there any calls during the night?
- There were several, they turned out to be false. However, there is one "but".
- Yes?
- When our soldiers arrived there, we were told that there had already been people before us asking exactly the same questions.
- They dare to play with us after what happened yesterday? - Integra's hands clenched in anger.
"I suppose it has to do with the message from the Queen that was just delivered to us," Walter said as he handed over the letter.
- A message? - the girl asked with interest, and then opened the envelope.
With each new line read, Integra's mood rose higher and higher, until finally.
- Ha-ha-ha-ha. And that's all? - the girl laughed. - Just a couple of days, and the queen is already calling a council on the advisability of the round's actions.
"Their current actions are like the floundering of a fish thrown ashore," Integra bared her teeth. "Tell Captain Ferguson that at any hint of a vampire's presence, instead of a decoy, they should be ready to call Seras for help."
- The more successful operations we have before the meeting, the better. I hope that pride and hatred will not blind them.
- You don't have to worry, sir. - Walter said with a proud smile. - Although they don't want to show it, but thanks to her actions yesterday, they have gradually begun to change their opinion of her and will at least be more polite.
- Good. If only Alucard were more... - Integra began inspiredly, but she did not say what exactly Alucard should be more of, and after a second of silence she sighed. - Although no, the path is better to remain as it is.
- How is the training of Mercenaries going?
- Seras told them about the strengths and weaknesses of vampires. She also brought them to her special training ground and had a competition with them.
- A competition? Doesn't she understand that these aren't games? - Integra asked with slight disappointment.
- Not at all, sir. In fact, it was an excellent approach to training such rude people.
- Seriously?
- This competition accomplished three goals at once. First, it showed them that vampires have amazing reflexes and can use weapons much more effectively than trained humans. Second, she used her own weapon, which is almost impossible for a normal person to use due to its weight, which showed how much stronger vampires are. And third, she was able to make them respect her.
- … I see, perhaps in the future it would be worth trying to allow new recruits to first go through her training, this should reduce the possibility of conflicts between soldiers and her. Especially now that most of the old staff is gone.
- As for today's training, Lieutenant Fox and Captain Ferguson will show them the ropes. They will also teach them how to use their new tools properly.
- Very well. With their track record, they should be ready by tonight or tomorrow at the latest. All they need is some knowledge on fighting the undead. Any news on our enemy?
- Unfortunately, even with all the information we have, the only thing we could find that has nothing to do with the Millennium we're looking for is just a mention of a certain spaceship from a fairly popular franchise.
"This is unfortunate…" Integra frowned.
Meanwhile, I was lounging in Integra's bed, dreaming about how I took Integra with me to a very distant world where a race of rather special, highly developed kitsune once lived, who eventually reached the point where they all ascended to a higher plane of existence, leaving behind untouched technologies that could survive until the end of the universe. What was the point of going there? The point was that the medical capsules of this civilization were able to genetically rebuild any humanoid into a representative of their race, and even implant a special assistant into the soul that would help the individual develop. Naturally, they themselves did not suspect this and simply created it as a way to achieve ideal genes for each representative of their race, and the change in race turned out to be a side effect, and yet, how sexy and beautiful she was, with 9 tails behind her back and fox ears on her head.
- He-he-he, now I have a fox-wife, - the vampire muttered in her sleep, drooling on her pillow.