Chapter 61
October 7, 21:00
The Queen's private chambers.
A stately elderly woman calmly drank her favorite tea in the familiar surroundings of guards, who had become more like decor. However, this evening was different from usual, because suddenly, right in the middle of the room, a figure of a fair-haired girl began to appear from the shadows. This immediately alerted the guards, who immediately took aim at the intruder and wanted to open fire, but...
Alas, at the same moment, the eyes of the trained elite soldiers turned red, showing that they had fallen under hypnosis.
"Have you come with news from an old friend?" the queen was not afraid, but on the contrary, she smiled with anticipation.
"Not quite your majesty," I said, kneeling.
"What do you want then?" - I have important information that I want to tell you and I hope you will also listen to my proposal.
- Speak well. - the queen gave the go-ahead.
- Tomorrow…
For Integra, this morning did not go well from the very first minutes. First, she woke up late and since she was not with Seras that night, she had no excuse for this, and then a whole series of unrealistic scenes occurred, first, her tie broke, then her shoelaces and eventually even the mirror cracked.
"I am usually not superstitious, but something strange is happening." - Integra could not help but think, stunned by what was happening
Arriving at her office and sitting at the table, she heard a knock on the door.
- Come in, Walter.
Received an invitation, the old butler came in, holding envelopes in his hands.
- Walter. - Integra called.
- Sir?
- Do you believe in omens?
- Like a black cat crossing your path or a broken mirror?
- Yes.
-… As funny as it may sound, I believe it. In a world full of vampires and other mythical creatures, such things should not be ignored. However, why did you ask?
- This morning, I have literally been haunted by these things one after another. - A shadow of helplessness appeared on the girl's usually calm face as she listed everything that had happened.
- I think you should be more careful today, sir. Seeing so many bad omens can't be good.
- I will try, Walter, but let's not rush to worry. - Integra smiled encouragingly, seeming to try to calm Walter down.
As she spoke, Walter noticed cars driving through the Hellsing gates through the window.
- I didn't know we were expecting guests. - He muttered, moving closer to the window to get a better look.
- We weren't expecting you. - Integra said, getting up from the table and the first thing she noticed was the flag on the cars.
- It seems Her Majesty has some orders for us.
- I see. Should I bring them here?
- Yes, Walter. Make sure they don't run into the mercenaries. These old men aren't suited to dealing with such rude people.
A minute later, Integra stood alone in the office and muttered the words that her father had once told her.
"As bad as it seems, just deal with it like any other day, Integra. Worrying about the unknown is never good for you.
A few minutes later, Walter came in with two older gentlemen in suits and bowler hats.
- What can I do for you two today? - She asked, getting up from the table.
- Yes, the thing is, Integra...
- Sir. - She interrupted the old man with a cold tone.
- Excuse me?
- Sir Integra Hellsing. Sir Kensington.
- With that attitude, you won't last long! - the old man barked.
- How dare you address me like that in my own home! - Integra slammed the table in rage, causing it to creak pitifully and split down the middle, plunging the office into tense silence.
- ... Sir Integra, I'm sure he didn't mean anything by that. - Another old man intervened, throwing a warning glance at his companion to keep quiet.
Taking a deep breath through her nose to calm herself, she sat down in her chair, ignoring the ruined table and spoke. - Very well, Sir Jonathan. Why exactly are you here?
- We came to deliver a message from the queen. - He put his hand in his jacket pocket.
- Observing recent events, she believes that she has found an excellent solution. - he continued, taking out the envelope.
Receiving the envelope in her hands, Integra opened it with an engraved letter opener and began to read the letter and after a few minutes she looked at the men standing in front of her.
- Is this serious? - the girl asked in shock.
- We do not know the contents of the letter. We were only told to deliver it to you. - Sir Jonathan smiled.
- Oh? I see. Then you can leave. - Integra waved her hand dismissively.
- How dare you! - Sir Kensington, offended by such an attitude, began to get angry again, but Sir Jonathan stopped him.
- Since you received the letter, we are leaving. - the man smiled, took off his hat and bowed slightly before leaving.
At the same time, Sir Kensington simply turned away and left after his colleague, loudly slamming the door. They walked through the corridors in complete silence until he couldn't take it anymore.
- What was that Jonathan?
- Not here old man.
- What so not here?! - the man exclaimed, grabbing the other by the shoulder and turning him to face him.
"Get away from me, you old fool!" Jonathan threw the hand that grabbed him away and whispered loudly, almost hissing.
"Then answer me!"
"Okay, if you don't understand, I'll explain, we thought she was supposed to be in a terrible situation from which she simply couldn't get out.
"And?" Kensington butted in.
"What and?! Idiot! She's obviously doing well and doesn't even have a hint of a bad situation!
"I, oh. Then maybe we..."
"Let's just do what Her Majesty sent us here for and not ruin ourselves. " Jonathan interrupted him.
"I see. Too bad." the fat man said disappointedly.
"What happened?
"I really wanted a second summer home in Sweden.
- This is not something worth ruining us and our families for. Let's just leave and forget about this matter.
As soon as these two turned the corner, a shadow portal appeared on the floor, from which a charming blonde with cat ears appeared.
- What a pity, and I already thought that today I would be able to play a little.