Chapter 62
- Sir... this is the 2nd table this week alone. - Watler's words were filled with helplessness. These tables are not simple. They are specially made strong enough to flip over and protect against bullets! - If I didn't know you better, I would seriously think that you became a vampire.
- That's impossible. - Integra snorted. - The world will turn upside down before I voluntarily become a bloodsucker.
- What about Seras? She's a vampire too. - the butler smiled slyly.
- She's... different. - the girl answered hesitantly, before leaning her elbows on the windowsill with a tired sigh.
- Should I bring you something to eat? - Walter asked, deciding not to continue the topic.
- Yes. I can't believe that I just woke up, and I'm already so tired. Damn old fools, they can't even be simple messengers properly.
- Being a Hellsing means aging quickly and dying young.
- Forgive what? - Integra asked, looking at Walter.
- That's what your father told me. And apparently, his father told him the same thing.
- I see. - the girl sighed again, before turning back to the window. - It's hard to find truer words.
Even when Walter left the office, Integra continued to look out the window, lost in her thoughts, but she was quickly interrupted.
- You know, even if your ancestors aged quickly and died early, I promise that if necessary, I will find a way to make you a real angel so that we can always be close. - I said, appearing behind the girl and hugging her from behind.
- Seras, you're a vampire, how are you going to make me an angel. – Integra said, nevertheless giving herself completely into my arms.
- There are an infinite number of worlds, and there are even those where it is enough to simply walk up and pick up an object from the floor to have the opportunity to become something more.
- I see. Then I will trust you. – Integra's tone was so unusually soft that, probably, no one before me had the chance to hear it. The Ice Queen, allowed her heart to melt just for me.
- Seras. – Integra said after a minute of comfortable silence.
- Yes?
- Go get ready. Today will be a hard day for all of us.
- Good. – I nodded, before quickly kissing the girl on the cheek, disappearing into the shadows.
Maxwell was doing his usual daily paperwork, when suddenly someone burst into his office.
- How many times do I have to tell you, Deacon Baxter? Don't burst into my office! – The man said, looking at the man who entered.
- I-I'm sorry. You just told me to let you know w-when something unusual happens in Hellsing. – Deacon said, breathing heavily.
- Yes? Then tell me.
- According to the information received from the spies from the Queen's guard, two of her oldest subordinates were sent with a message to Integra Hellsing.
- Do you know the contents? – Maxwell asked.
- No.
- ... - Maxwell rested his head in his hands, lost in thought, trying to understand what these Protestants were up to.
- Sir? – Deacon called out worriedly when after 2 minutes there was no answer.
- Call Anderson to me, and also connect me with Father Renaldo.
- Yes! – Deacon hurriedly left the office, leaving Maxwell alone.
- A message from the Queen to her faithful dog. Something big is brewing and we won't miss it. - Maxwell grinned, looking at the reports on his desk.
These papers contained absolutely all the information about the units that were supposed to "replace" Hellsing. Everything was there, from the names of each participant to each movement.
- Even Hellsing is just a baby in front of the church, and you expect that you, unlike them, will be treated like adults. When even for Hellsing you are nothing more than stupid children. This is so stupid that I can only assume that this mysterious organization is to blame. - Maxwell said with a contemptuous smirk on his face. Before throwing the report in the trash.
While Deacon was informing Maxwell of the situation, Anderson was in the orphanage playing with the children. This seemingly scary bloodthirsty Iscariot now looked like nothing more than a kind priest who was having tea at the table with a little girl, while other children around him were riding on the swings and playing in the sandbox.
Now his attention was drawn to the new child who had appeared yesterday. The girl who had not played with the others and was sitting quietly in the corner.
- Hey boy. Who is this new girl? - the priest stopped the older boy.
- I don't know, but I heard the adults say that her parents were killed in front of her.
- It's terrible. - Anderson frowned.
- Yes, and we don't know what to do, she is not making contact.
- I see, thank you Max.
As soon as the boy left, Anderson got up from the table and apologized to the girl he was with, that he needed to leave on business.
- Father Anderson, you will return when you are finished, right?
- Of course, my child. - the priest answered with a kind smile on his face and stroked her head as he passed by.
He walked slowly towards the lonely girl, who flinched as he approached and curled up into a ball, pretending not to see him.
- So… what's your name, little one? - Anderson asked softly, sitting down next to him.
-…- but silence answered him.
- My name is Alexander, but you can call me Alex if you want.
- y-yes? - the girl mumbled so quietly that she was inaudible.
- Sorry, can you repeat that?
- You're a priest, right? - the girl asked again in a quiet voice.
- Yes, I am. - he answered proudly.
- Why did my parents die?
- I… - Anderson began, but could not find what to say.
- They were Catholics, they prayed every day and loved me, no matter what. Why did God let them die? - the more she spoke, the more frustration and anger could be heard in her voice.
- God has a plan…
- Don't tell me God has a plan. That only makes it worse. - The girl interrupted him indifferently.
- … why do you say that?
- If God has a plan, and my parents died according to that plan, doesn't that mean he killed them? No one and nothing will let me forgive him for that.
Anderson sighed sadly, realizing that he had nothing to say to her, after all, he was more of a fighter than a preacher. He wanted to pat her on the head, but she dodged and walked away.
"Poor girl, she's only 11, and she had to witness something so horrible…" - the priest thought before his thoughts moved on to a certain vampire.
"She was only 9, and she had it much worse… Why do I sympathize with this evil creature?" - Anderson pushed the thought aside for a moment before heading to the table to have tea with the little girl.
"She was a child, though. She wasn't an evil being when it happened." Before Anderson could think any further on the subject, he heard the deacon calling him. So, apologizing to the child again, he went to meet Maxwell.