14. A little more magic

Chapter 14


Fortunately, my guess about the instructions that would tell me how to use the book turned out to be correct, because literally on the first page before the contents there was a description of what to do, as well as some warnings.


For example, there was a warning in big red letters "DO NOT AIM AT YOURSELF, YOU'LL DIE!" How, actually, to aim? Well, fortunately, this was thought out by whoever created the spell. When mana is fed into the book, the power does not charge as with the staff, but a kind of sight appears in the caster's head, by controlling which he chooses the place where the lightning will strike.


And as a result of my test, the area was illuminated for a split second by a blinding flash of lightning that flew out of the absolutely cloudless sky, and then...


"thunder" "flash" "thunder" "flash" "thunder"


3 consecutive lightning strikes at the same point.


- Hmm, being close to lightning isn't a very pleasant feeling, - I grimaced, stroking my cat ears.


"Amazing, a direct use of nature's forces to attack," Jones said, impressed, before looking at me like a boy being shown off some very interesting toys. "What about the mana? Did it take much?"


- Surprisingly, no. - Being truly surprised, I looked at my mana reserve. - Only 10 units were used.


- However, you won't be able to use this spell in a building, - I sighed a little disappointedly. - After all, lightning, although deadly, won't penetrate the thickness of the rock underground, as well as many other places.


"It's still a pretty formidable spell to cast in an open field, especially near a body of water," Jones said, then added, "and I'm pretty sure there are spells in that book that are suitable for confined spaces."


"How fast can you reuse lightning?" Indiana asked.


- Hmm, I think almost instantly, the entire delay is purely for aiming. - I answered thoughtfully, and then, grinning, added. - We'll check now.


Trying to act as quickly as possible, I aimed 3 spells at one point, and then 9 lightning bolts followed one after another in a continuous stream, turning the affected area into a molten mass.


"Not bad," I nodded with satisfaction, not noticing how a huge shadow hung over me.


- Girl! - they growled at me from behind me, and the next moment, my head seemed to be clamped in a vice, while 40 kilograms of future imba were easily lifted.


- Ouch! - I screamed in pain.


"No more lightning in my backyard, got it?!" Big Momma growled in my ear.


- Dha, - I moaned.


- I can't hear!


"I won't do it again!" I screamed, and then they let me go.


"You almost crushed my skull," I said with resentment.


- If you hadn't survived even that, you wouldn't belong among the mercenaries, - snorted Marymi and went back to the tavern.


- Ahem-ahem, I suggest that in future we test the spells outside the city, - Jones suggested, clearing his throat.


- Okay. I think I'll go rest, and tomorrow we can take on the undead again. - I said. Such interference from Marymi spoiled my mood quite a bit.


"As you say," the archaeologist shrugged and left with the obvious intention of having a drink.


Half lying on my bed, I read a book of magic. It was obvious that most likely somewhere there are books for beginners or the basics should be explained by mentors, because although there was, so to speak, a short introduction for dummies, but quite quickly everything moved on to the spells themselves.


Local magic was built, not counting artifacts, by, so to speak, building magic circles inside itself, so that each symbol denoted exactly what the magician himself understood it to be, if my theory is correct, then such a system of magic will work even in other worlds. True, it did not make it easier. I stupidly did not understand how to do it. Yes, I had already learned to direct mana consciously and even the book of spells itself explained what meanings should be given to symbols and figures in the magic circle, but it is like with higher mathematics, until you understand how to solve it, for you it will remain a set of numbers and ordinary copy-paste will not help.


By evening I already wanted to start banging my head against the wall, but still, I managed to pull myself together.


- I urgently need level 15. I'm sure that the "magic expert" trait was not made for show, especially considering that even without it I was able to use the staff and the book. - I expressed my thoughts out loud.


- Speaking of the staff? - It only just now dawned on me that the staff was sort of in my inventory, and the bonuses were still going.


That was a pretty good reason to look into the system and see what else I might have missed. And-and, actually, nothing like that, it's just marked as equipped on the staff.


- I suppose it works like in Genshin? There, too, outside of combat, the characters put away their weapons, but the stats remained. - I assumed, allowing the staff to appear in my hand and then disappear.


When the staff reappeared in my hand, I was in no hurry to put it away. Looking at this magical artifact, memories of the pleasure of equipping it involuntarily surfaced in me. Excitement began to rise from within, and considering everything that had piled up, I didn't particularly want to suppress it. Just in case, having made sure that I had really locked the door with a key, I climbed into the system again and decided to remove the artifacts. My eyes immediately darkened, and then my head began to spin, but this not very pleasant phenomenon passed rather quickly.


"Luckily, the consequences aren't that bad," I muttered before holding my breath and equipping the artifacts back at once.


- Nyah. - From the pleasure that pierced my body, a moan escaped from me, which vaguely resembled a meow, but I did not pay attention to it, because my body was literally burning with excitement and my hands seemed to know quite well what to do.






Bar counter.


Jones drank his beer in a relaxed manner, surprisingly good beer for a place that at first glance was not far removed from the Middle Ages, where one would have expected something more resembling urine. However, his peace was soon disturbed. In front of him stood a huge woman who was undoubtedly capable of breaking him in half in an instant, and her gaze was not at all kind.


- What is your name?


"Indiana Jones," the archaeologist introduced himself calmly.


- Jones then, good. - The woman nodded before looking at the man intently. - Remember, Jones, if I find out that one day from one of your voyages you return alone, and the girl is in slavery or dead, then it would be better for you to disappear from this island, do I make myself clear?


The legendary mercenary, who could single-handedly face entire armies, seemed to be emitting a scarlet aura visible to the naked eye, which caused genuine terror, and even a veteran like Jones felt like he was close to emptying his bladder, but as soon as he nodded, everything returned to its place and even Big Mom suddenly seemed like a huge, but still kind old lady.


After recovering from the shock and drinking everything he had in his mug in one gulp, Indiana finally asked.


- Why are you so protective of her?


- Why? - Marymi asked again, and then answered with a laugh. - She looks like me at her age.


- Who are you lying to, Marymi? Have you seen yourself from the outside? How can you compare yourself to this beautiful kitty? - one of the drunks sitting nearby said.


- What did you say? - the woman jumped up.


And the hunter, who had lost all sense of self-preservation and was dead drunk, hammered the last nail into the lid of his coffin.


- I'm telling you, why would you, a hairy fat woman, compare yourself to a sexy kitten?


- ... - the entire tavern fell silent, and the man who had blurted out too much began to quickly sober up, realizing what he had just done.


- Um... Marymi, I'm not serious, you know? - the man bleated, falling from his chair to the floor, which saved him from a butcher's knife flying at high speed.


- Mercyu ...


- 10 big coppers, - the woman said in a murderous tone.


- What?


- This is the price of your life.


- But this is… - the drunkard began, but the woman's darkened face quickly convinced him. - Y-yes-yes, of course, right now.


The drunk quickly pulled out 10 coins and placed them on the tabletop.


- Well done, - Big Momma said with a smile before announcing, - Everyone gets 50% off one beer!


- HURRAY! - the joyful roar of the mercenaries answered her and the tavern again returned to an elevated mood.