Chapter 15
The next morning I woke up full of energy and ready for great achievements. And even the fact that instead of a normal bath I had to wipe myself with a wet towel could not shake this mood, at least until I realized that I only had one set of clothes and underwear, which means that today I will most likely be left without money.
- I wonder what that angel meant about working for the benefit of the multiverse with travel between worlds? - I couldn't help but wonder. After all, magic is good, of course, but I already missed the benefits of modern civilization.
- And what did you mean by getting used to the world? After all, if you think about it, I've already found a place to live, a job thanks to which I can live without risking myself, and now I've even started to master magic.
- Oh well, when the time comes, then I'll find out, anyway, right now I have 3 main goals, not counting the obvious "survive".
First, I need to level up.
Secondly, you need to understand magic.
And thirdly, you need to receive the inheritance of the sea witch.
If I can combine water and lightning magic correctly, I can literally mow down entire armies single-handedly. Unless, of course, I fry myself with lightning. I've seen news stories more than once in my past life about how a single bolt of lightning killed several hundred deer, simply because the ground where they were was wet, and in this world, where literally everyone wears something metal, it's possible that a single bolt of lightning could take the lives of dozens of soldiers wearing armor.
- Something's wrong here, - I frowned. - Why is such a dangerous book in the public domain, it's essentially a weapon of mass destruction in the public domain.
It really did seem strange.
"I'll have to discuss this with Jones," I decided before finally leaving my room and heading to the notice board.
- You seem to be quite the sleepyhead. - These were the words the archaeologist who was already sitting at one of the tables greeted me with.
- Why not? The better I rest, the easier it will be on the mission. - I answered, sitting down opposite him.
- Hm. Maybe so. - the man did not argue.
- Lona! - Marymi called to me. - Come here.
"Did something happen?" I asked, approaching the woman.
- Here's your breakfast, - she handed me a bowl of soup before adding, - You won't need to work with the boiler for the next three days. The supplies you made yesterday will be enough for now.
"Okay, thank you," I said, taking my breakfast.
"So, what are our plans for today?" Indiana asked when I returned to the table.
- We need to take some kind of task, after all, there is still a lot that needs to be bought both now and in the future if we want to explore the ancient ruins.
- I see. So undead again?
"Most likely yes," I shrugged.
- Clear.
We spent the next few minutes in almost complete silence, broken only by the sounds of eating.
- Phew, I'm full, - I said, pushing away the empty plate. It's funny, actually, how in my past life I wasn't much of a fan of soups, unless of course it was milk or borscht, but here I gobble up soup with gusto. And the question is, is it all about the body itself, which has different tastes, or about the soup itself? However, the easiest way to find out is to simply try to eat something I hated in the future.
"You need to eat more meat," Jones shook his head. "You obviously weigh like a feather."
- Do you really think I'm against eating meat? - I asked, rolling my eyes. - At the moment, there's just not much choice, but believe me, I'll stock up on meat as soon as I can, so that I can eat it every day.
- Okay, okay, don't pay attention, you just look like a little girl, so I said too much, - the archaeologist waved it off before getting up from the table and heading towards the notice board.
"Little girl, yes…" I muttered, standing up after her.
But if the original Lona were in my place, she would be offended by such words, although she would not freak out. I think it is even understandable, after all, at 14 years old she has experienced a lot, without breaking down and taking her fate into her own hands, although not always successfully, for her such words would be akin to an insult, belittling her own efforts.
- What are you thinking about?
- Oh well, it doesn't matter. - I shook my head before turning my attention to the notice board, where a surprise awaited me.
There are three whole new tasks that I don't remember in the game, although maybe it's logical, the world won't literally repeat the game.
Timber extraction.
Rabbit hunting
Boar hunting.
And it was the latter that interested me the most. Even when I was playing the game on DOOM difficulty, the safest way to quickly earn money to sail away from the island on a ship was to farm smoked meat, dried fruits, and white dragon grass at the same time. That is, farming these very boars, at that time I really regretted that there were no quests for them, because in the game there was almost no experience for killing, mainly for quests and long rests, but the abundance of food and the proceeds from its sale covered the minuses of slow accumulation of experience. And that's exactly what I need.
Boar hunting.
Objective: Get 4 wild boar skins.
Reward: 2 Big Coppers, 7 Coppers.
Client: Tanners Guild.
Repeatability: Multiple.
Attention, all experienced hunters!
To the guilds of leather workshops,
Your help is needed!
Go to the forests around Noer and get
We need wild boar skins.
Bring 4 skins and hand them over to the Guild employee,
We have already passed on your future reward to him.
"The hunt for the undead is cancelled," I declared.
- Hm? - the question was clearly visible in Jones's eyes.
- Today we will hunt boars!