- great, then we can start our adventure! Arthur exclaims while smiling.
Arthur and Gabriel embarked on the adventure, generally attacking only creatures that could earn them 1 to 10 credits. 1 month was since the launch of the game. Arthur had already reached level 3, while Gabriel was still at level 1. It was dark, Arthur and Gabriel were having dinner in a cave.
- it's cheating, you elders of Impact of Fate have a serious advantage, you level up more easily! Exclaims Gabriel of a jealous era.
- unlike you who kept your original appearance, mine is that of a character from impact of fate that I transfer into rising is not really me consider you happy. Arthur replies, smiling.
- on top of that I'm incapable of using magic, it's a loser! Gabriel exclaimed, sighing.
- no one forced you to be a warrior you could very well choose to be a mage... now you can only blame yourself. Arthur answers.
After this discussion around the campfire, they disconnected. 2 months had passed since the launch of the game Rising Impact of Fate, unlike previous Cyberden games, no Cyberden players had been found dead. Gabriel had now reached level 2 while Arthur was already at level 4, they were in the middle of a battle against a horde of bats. Unlike Gabriel who was in difficulty facing these creatures, Arthur crushed them.
The day had just dawned in World Zero, Gabriel had logged in and found Arthur sitting on a rock staring at the artificial sun and tears streaming from his eyes.
When he got closer, he quickly wiped away his tears, it was too late Gabriel had already seen him, he was sitting on the ground near Arthur.
- Is this world that makes you cry, Arthur? Gabriel asks him in disappointment.
- this world has nothing to do with pain, it's something else that torments me. Arthur replies, getting up.
- We must reach level 5 before reaching the first village, also we must join a guild to participate in dungeon reds and to face the guardian of level 0. Arthur told him.
But Gabriel remained sitting on the floor, staring at the ground.
- you are my very first and only friend I have, I don't know why but seeing you like this hurts me, it's a feeling I didn't know before. Gabriel answers him
Arthur was sincerely touched by Gabriel's words and it was to return to him but he averted his gaze, he did not want to meet Gabriel's because the guilt was eating him from the inside.
- okay, izanagi I want to tell you everything... In impact of fate it turns out that I killed a man to earn my right to disconnect! He expresses himself with disappointment and bitterness.
[unmei no takamaru eikyou]
⟩⟩⟩⟩⟩⟩⟩⟩⟩ RISING IMPACT OF FATE ⟨⟨⟨⟨⟨⟨⟨⟨⟨⟨
Chapter 03 : I am nothing but a murderer.
Gabriel couldn't believe it, what he had just listened to had deeply shocked him, he could not think for a single moment that Arthur could have killed a man.
- After connecting in impact of fate we realized that we could no longer disconnect we were all stuck in the game the only way to get out was either to finish the game or to kill another human player to obtain the right to disconnect. The high priestess gave us 7 days to finish the game before our bodies could waste away. D-fire wanted to finish the game, he didn't want this virtual world to turn us into murderers so he created a guild of 150 players all motivated by the desire to return to the real world. The guild was made up of gamers who had all reached level 5 except me who was only at level 2. I was just a burden for them. Arriving at the first level, the boss was much too strong for us, none of our blows had any real impact on him, they massacred us one after the other... Of the 150 players who went to face the boss alone, 25 came out alive. Amakuni had turned all the survivors against D-fire, he had managed to convince the gamers that killing was the only solution for us to survive in this virtual world, instead of people dying in vain it was better for them to die to allow for others to live... The survivors began to fight among themselves, those who managed to kill the others who managed to disconnect. Amakuni wanted to kill me and I was ready to fight him even if it was a losing battle. D-fire was interposed between us and he had received the blow that was intended for amakuni... He had not survived the blow... Thanks to this act I was able to disconnect... Since that day I stopped playing Impact of Fate. Arthur explains to him of a dejected era.
Gabriel had seen how Arthur was tormented by his past, he understood perfectly how he felt yet he couldn't find the right words to comfort him so he had simply kept silent.
- Tell me Izanagi, why are you playing this game despite all the rumors going around about the Cyberden studio? Arthur asks him.
- no matter how much I searched, I couldn't find any meaning in my life since in the end we were all destined to die. So I simply wanted to end it once and for all... but my suicide attempt had failed miserably, under the advice of my doctor not to repeat it again my parents had given me money to buy the H.A.T and the game that goes with it. Gabriel responds to him in a disappointed manner.
Arthur's reaction had surprised Gabriel, he did not expect that he could start laughing and tears of joy flow from his eyes.
- you know izanagi, if your life had no meaning it was because you had no friend to share it with, no girlfriend with whom you would have had fun... Life only has meaning when we share it with those who are dear to us, with its share of good and bad times, the important thing is to stay close to what we love and to those who love us this is why man fears death so much because he is afraid of losing everything... If tomorrow in the real world you are free you can spend your weekend with me and I want to teach you how to pick up a girl you will see it will be super cool. Arthur said to him, helping him up while smiling.
Taking Arthur's hand, Gabriel saw him being surrounded by a soft light which soothed him.
- you can call me Gabriel. Gabriel told him
- nice to meet you Gabriel, I'm Kaito. Arthur replies with a smile.
⟩⟩⟩⟩⟩⟩⟩ TO BE CONTINUED ⟨⟨⟨⟨⟨⟨⟨
MP ✨: mana point, used by fantasy one and zero, magical creatures or hybrids, PM allows you to cast spells or execute large-scale physical attacks.
The Mp of the bases of a fantasy one and zero is 100
- when the Mp falls to 0 we can no longer use magic, nor physical attacks based on magical reinforcement.
- we recover the MP through the potions ticket, by spending a night in the inn or by stealing those of others through absorption skills or an absorption spell.
TIME ⏳: 1 day in fantasy world zero is equivalent to 12 hours spent in the real world. Hence 1 month spent in fantasy world zero = 15 days spent in the real world.
* The fantasy one are not affected by the time that passes in the game because they are human, 1 year in the game is equivalent to 6 months in the real world, it is impossible that a man can grow in 6 months.
* Fantasy zero are affected by the time that passes in the game because they belong to this virtual world.