"The categories combined efforts is what has led to this moment. This combined effort will help us defeat the shadows ..." Harley gave a speech while the four categories stood in some boxes with marking of their symbol .

The intrepid members were to attack the base of the shadows just next to the barrier. Strategies made by the astute, spells made by the pioneers and some of the posions and herbs and healers from empathetic would join.

"Did you here?" Henry whisphers to Macy.

" What?"

" That Chase is joining the attack..."

" What he's part of the astutes!"

Ryan glares at the two and they immediately shut up. Macy tries to reach Chase.

'Focus' Chase says to her as soon as he feels her reaching out.

'is it true'

'yes . Now focus'

Macy focused on Harley. She knew they did this because he was among the shadows.


"So are you good with your brother going to fight" Macy asks as they train with Harry.

" Yeah. He can defend himself "

Macy stops and looks at him. " What is up with both of you!"

Harry looks up at her as she is fuming. He heads to the bag to take his bottle of water.

" Something is bothering you ..." Macy takes a sit beside him .

Harry sighs . " I know you'll probably think am insane but this whole thing seems off"

Macy places a hand on his shoulder. " What do you mean?"

" I know Chase and he is offly composed about this whole mission. He's a genius cunning and this is all too easy..." Harry says as he stands up deep in contemplation.

" You think he's planning something..."

"I know he is I just don't know what..."


The gang huddles up for supper in the hall. There is buzzing as the intrepids head out tomorrow. Judy shifts in her sit.

" Anyone else feel something is off..." Judy says and Luke agrees.

" It's just too simple..." Henry says.

Macy sighs." Harry thinks so too"

They all huddle up and Macy spots Mark glaring at her. He hasn't attacked her but simply smiles at her. She tried asking Chase and he said he had no idea.

She was for sure going to ask Chase when they meet tonight. About Mark about the mission about him and Harry.


Macy arrived in the far edge of the valley where Hydra was waiting but Chase was late.

" Why is he late?" Macy asks Hydra.

" Do I look like his nanny" Hydra retorts and Macy rolls her eyes.

"Joining the ambush tomorrow" Macy asks.

"No they don't even know I'm here"

Chase finally arrives with a bow in hand and Hydra and Macy look surprised.

" My next training involve a bow." Macy asks confused as she comes face to face with him .

Chase hands Macy the bow. " So you know how your weapon problem. This is the solution"

" What I've never...."

" Just trust me ..."

Chase steps behind her and positions the bow and arrow in her hand. He instructs her as on how to do it . Hydra watches in amusement.

Macy shots her shot and lands it just outside the bulls eye. She's shocked but happy.

" OMG"Macy gasps as she turns to look at Chase over her shoulder and their eyes lock.

"Now breath so that you can hit a perfect shot" Chase whispers in her ear as she takes a deep breath and shoots hitting the bulls eye.

Macy jumps up in joy but stops. " I can't use this to fight Megan. I'll be dead before shooting a shot. "

Chase nods. He takes ou some daggers and hands them to her. They are sharp and short enough for a fast kill.

Chase takes out his own daggers. "Now to show you how to use them. Attack me!"

Macy looks stunned. She'd never seen Chase in action before but she could tell he was not to be messed with. She took her stand and charged for him .

With a swift move he dogged her attack and held a dagger to his throat. He chuckled as Macy felt the tip on her throat. If he wanted to end her he would have easily done so.

"Stop fighting like a human..."He breathed on her neck." It will get you killed"

He pushed her forward making her stumble.

"Use what you have best..."

"And what's that?"

"You're brain!"

Macy stopped. How the hell was she going to use her brain in battle. He wasn't making sense.

"You are a smartass. You know things but you're just hesitant to put them into action..."

Hydra who was stretching out huffed sarcastically.

"Smartass...more like dumbass".

Macy rolled her eyes at the beast urging him to shut up . Chase sheathed his daggers and turned to leave. Macy remember her friends and Harry's concerns and stopped him .


Chase stopped.

"About tomorrow....". She didn't know what to ask

"I already told know things you're just hesitant..."

He disappeared leaving her with more questions. She turned to Hydra.

"What does he mean. What has he now become some ancient wise man..."

Hydra scoffed steam puffing out of his nose.

"What I can say is if he's up to something you can't stop him you need to try and see things in his perspective..."

Macy sighed . Did she talk to him , Yes, did she get answers, Not at all.