The intrepids were ready to leave. Everyone was on high alert and excited apart from a few who had their doubts. Macy hadn't slept after her talk with Chase. She went over every detail about the plan but didn't find what she was looking for. Hell she didn't know what she was looking for.

"You are going to be fine..."Danny said to Judy as she helped her pack her bag. Judy nodded giving herself a positive outlook.

"Be careful about Mark." Luke warned leaning against her doorframe.

Unfortunately for Judy,Mark was placed in the intrepids due to exceptional combat skills. His power was determined to be super strength.

"I will..." Judy said strapping her bag to her back.

The bell was struck to gather all for departure.


Macy was in the grand hall for the astute trying to piece everything she knew. She heard footsteps and quickly hid under the desk.

"I have an odd feeling". Edna said. " Something about this whole thing is off"

Harley sighed." I know but this could be our only chance to stop the shadows from releasing Mariana..."

Macy was shocked. They were trying to stop her grandmother from escaping but it didn't make sense. The only way to free her grandmother was if Macy died.

"If we do this we'll loose most of the students..."Edna said.

"I know but I have a plan..." Harley said before they took the map and walk out of the hall.

Macy crawled out her mind reeling with questions. She wondered what Harley and Chase were up to. She had to find out before she lost her friends.


"Alright guys were leaving...*Cole said as the intrepids walked out of the gate. Judy waved goodbye to her friends as Mark closely followed.

Macy had her eyes glued on Chase and so did Harry. Chase looked over at Macy and smirked.

'Tick tock...' he said through telepathy.

Macy groaned in frustration. 'What are you planning!'

Chase kept a straight face Infront of everyone but Macy could sense his stupid grin. 'I'll give you a clue. You are a key piece '

Macy sighed and her friends noticed her reaction.

"Relax..."Henry said."They'll be fine".

Macy nodded her eyes glued on Chase. Luke patted her shoulder to offer his reassurance.

Harry walked up to his brother. He seemed furious.

"You need to stop...". Harry said.

"Stop what..."Chase asked pretending to be clueless. "I'm just helping out"

Harry groaned in frustration. "You know that killing the shadows won't stop Mariana."

Chase smirked. "I never said it will. And besides you're just like me. Why don't you tell everyone the truth? Oh right I forgot you're protecting your girlfriend"

Harry gritted his teeth his fangs evident. "Leave her out of this!"

Chase scoffed at his reaction and was calm.

"Hey Shadow boy... we're leaving..." Cole called out to Chase.

Chase patted Harry shoulder and winked at Macy before leaving.


It would take approximately three days for the intrepids to reach their destination and it meant Macy had three days to figure out what the fuck Chase was up to.

Edna and the other adults seemed on edge which was slightly alarming to the students.

The gang decided to work and figure out what the hell was going on.

"So we know that the elders are stopping Mariana from being released by attacking the shadows..."Luke said.

They were all huddled up in the library by the far most corner with a window where Luke was sitted.

"But releasing Mariana is impossible unless her last descendant that is her lost granddaughter is dead..." Danny added pacing about.

"So why the fuck are they attacking the shadows...". Luke asked as everyone was deep in thought.

Macy was sitted in silence her mind spinning she knew one person could have answers. Harry!

"Any visions from Grey?" Luke asked Danny and she shook her head.

"Wait are you two still seeing each other..." Henry asked making Danny blush.

"Oh My God. You actually like the nerd..." Luke added.

"He's a great guy and a good kisser." Danny justified herself.

They all laughed. " He is kinda cute and good on the pitch" Macy said.

"Speaking of the pitch you ready to battle with Megan." Henry asked.

"No. I'm terrified!" Macy admitted with a sigh leaning on her sit. She recalled Chase's words 'Use what you have best...' . How the hell was she going to use her brain in combat.

Just as they were talking Danny touched one of the books in the library and felt pain and hurt . A tear rolled down her face confusing the crap out of everyone.

"Danny you alright!" Macy asked as Danny dropped the book. Danny looked shocked and terrified.

"You saw something..." Henry said. "You saw it's past"

Danny nodded. "It's.... it's... Dark arts used by the shadows..."

They all moved closer to her. "Tell us what you saw..." Luke said in gentle manner.

"I know what they are planning...." Danny said making everyone more interested.

Her next words knocked the wind out of their lungs. Their eyes widened as they listened to Danny's words . Their hearts clenching and they were utterly horrified.