"I assume you have a way to find Old Tang?" Li Hua asked, her eyes tracking the movement of shadows that seemed to dance with conscious purpose between the shelves.
Mo Xing produced a small grey crystal from his robes. "This will guide us to him and any knowledge regarding your brothers' situation." The crystal began to pulse with a dim light, creating the only rhythm in this timeless place. "Though I should warn you—the truth we find here may not be what you're hoping for."
Li Hua's jaw tightened. "Any truth is better than uncertainty."
They moved deeper into Old Tang's domain, following the crystal's pulse. Around them, reality continued to shift and reorganize itself, but Mo Xing navigated the changes with practiced ease, occasionally reaching back to guide Li Hua around corners that hadn't existed moments before. The only constants in the ever-changing space were their footsteps echoing against the stone floor.