The path finally opened into a vast circular chamber where five figures waited - two middle-aged men and three middle-aged women, all carrying the dignified air of the realm's keepers. Li Hua's eyes scanned the room, searching for the ancient, white-bearded figure of Old Tang she remembered from her previous visit, but found no trace of him among the gathered keepers.

"Girl, are you looking for me?" A familiar voice called out, though its owner was barely recognizable. Where she had expected to find an elderly sage with storm-cloud beard and misty robes, there stood instead a handsome middle-aged man. His bearing was still as before, but gone was the ancient appearance he had shown during their first meeting. Only his eyes remained distinctive - though now instead of being pools of pure light, they sparkled with knowing humor at her obvious surprise.

The contrast was so stark that Li Hua couldn't help but stare.