He paused, his expression growing more serious. "Once they feel you've mastered their techniques—truly mastered them, not just learned them—there will be a test."

Li Hao perked up at this, his endless appetite momentarily forgotten. "Another game of hide and seek?"

"No," Grandmaster Yu's eyes held a glimmer of something deeper. "Something quite different. But that's for later. For now, focus on your training."

After helping himself to one more bowl, Grandmaster Yu rose from the table, patting the siblings shoulders gently. "Sleep well," he said, before heading to his own room. 

"Sister, you should bathe first," Li Wei said, already gathering the dishes. The shared bathhouse meant they had to take turns, and her brothers had long ago decided she should have the first slot each night. Li Hua nodded gratefully, the prospect of hot water enticing after such an intense day.