A quiet drifted over the Sixth Realm in the wake of the siblings' fateful choice, as though the realm itself reflected on their decision to depart in just one month.

Evening's deep twilight gently settled, turning the Sixth Realm's already monochrome vistas into soft, muted silhouettes. The siblings gathered in their courtyard—a tranquil space marked by a low stone bench and lanterns that hovered like silver fireflies. Their spirit beasts lounged nearby: Bai Ying perched on the bench's corner, flicking her tail in idle contentment; Lei Lei and Dian Dian napping with sparks dancing between their ears; and Feng Yi circling overhead with a soft rustle of wings.

They'd come here to unwind after a day's rigorous training, but also to process their imminent departure. Lady Wei's final words still resonated in their minds: We'll not waste this final month.