"Leaving so soon?" Old Tang's voice carried a hint of wistfulness as he stepped forward, his robes rustling with hidden treasures. His eyes sparkled with the same enthusiasm he showed when discovering a particularly fascinating text. "Ah, but we've been remiss in our duties as teachers. No proper meeting gifts were given when you arrived." He smiled, the expression warming his usually serious features. "Perhaps we can remedy that oversight with parting gifts worthy of what you've achieved here."

He waved his hand and one by one, the keepers stepped forward, each bearing a parting gift that seemed to resonate with the very essence of their teachings:

Lady He approached first, offering a slender jade token etched with runes that glowed with spiritual light when touched by Qi. "Strengthen your Permission Barrier if ever your core is at risk," she said firmly, her usual sternness softened by underlying care.