In the world of Lumen, a land of diverse luminants and warring factions beset by monstrous threats, a daring trio sets out to uncover its secrets. Kounéli Atsáli, Velvet Isabella, and Leonardo Zeshi are explorers driven by curiosity and a shared desire to unite the fragmented world. As they journey through perilous territories and confront ancient evils, their bond is tested, revealing hidden truths about themselves and the light and darkness that shape Lumen's fate.
read it (yes, I know that it comes off as extremely ignorant to rate it 5 stars, but just go read it and give honest reviews, so that my writing can improve. have a nice day)
Pretty interesting fantasy world. Hope some stuff gets further expanded. Also some of the characters could be more distinct. I will change my review once it's gains more chapters and I read it more thoroughly.