In a world of darkness, ruthlessness and falsehood rules. Never believe what your eyes could see, it may all be an illusion. Trust and love are only myths, even the sweetest delicacies may be poison.
I foolishly trusted Mr.Gabriel and he poisoned the food he offered to me. He referred to me as his special guest, I didn't understand what he meant until he set me up with Vo'ak. I have become the lord's tool of excitement.
I found myself laying down on a dusty dirty ground. I was fully awake but my body barely moves. I could hear noise and roars and groans of orcs, goblins and all sorts of dirty crazy creatures.
They gathered around Vo'ak and I, forming a ring for us, all chanting the same thing. "Finish him… Finish him… Finish him!"
Vo'ak roared. "Get up puny boy. Fight me."
My legs were still shaking from the paralysis, but I mastered enough strength to stand up, what choice did I have?
Before I could gain my balance, the seven feet tall giant rushed me in a flash.
Vo'ak's blow sent me flying toward a rocky wall. Boom! I collided with the wall. The impact of which sent a brain wrecking pain.
"Ahhh!" I Cried.
The entire creatures watching the fight roared in excitement. "Yeah!!!…"
The roars seemed exciting to the ruthless giant. It charged toward me with all it might, Shaking the ground as it ran. Before I could think of anything, a large foot charged towards my face, like an asteroid falling from space.
I knew I wouldn't make it out if that large foot, so I summoned all the strength I could get to drag my weak body away from the foot. Boom! It landed on the ground, shattering whatever stood on it way.
I swiftly raised my head to catch Vo'ak's position but my jaws dropped at the horrible sight of his large hand opened wide to grab my head.
Before I could blink an eye, the whole of my head fitted perfectly into it large palm and off I went. It sent me flying into the debris of stones and gravels packed around the fighting ring.
What was I thinking fighting a monster like Vo'ak? The guy is tough, strong and skilled in brutal fight. It probably was born and brought up here in hell.
The creatures watching the fight continued to cheer at Vo'ak, making it feel good with each move it made.
Me on the other hand… ish. Every fibre of my being hurts. I had no clue how to defend myself from the crazy powerful creature. I couldn't even think of a way to hurt it the slightest.
Bang… bang!
My thoughts were interrupted by heavy blows on my face. Vo'ak's fist felt like a huge sleigh hammer anytime I felt them on me.
The monster dragged me to the middle of the ring and dropped me there. It landed it right foot on my chest in a domineering manner and shouted at the other creatures. "Do you want more?" and they all chorused: "Yeah!"
Vo'ak was clearly pleased by the audience response. It looked down on my motionless body and said: "Get up and fight puny boy."
"I-I can't fight you. You are too strong for me." I groaned.
Vo'ak chuckled, leaned closer to me and held my head in it left palm. It used it right fist again on my face.
Bang… Bang… Bang
As if it was not enough, it dropped me on the dusty ground, smashing my face with the monster foot I escaped not long ago.
Vo'ak roared. "I will destroy your pathetic soul, turn you into a magot and raise you as my personal slave dog."
First fight, just first fight and I'd already lost. I didn't know what Vo'ak's next move would be, but it chatter gave me a little time to picture some things.
"How did I get here?" I asked myself. "Wasn't it because I seeked vengeance? Wasn't it because I was incredibly angry at myself for not being able to fight Pahpa and his boys."
Mr. Gabriel, also known as the lord, told me that I came to hell because my hunger for revenge darkened my soul. That the darkness made me heavier and uglier. From a cute spectral transparent ghost, to a dark heavy coarse soul. Everything pretty much felt the same with what I used to be when I was alive on earth, except now, I am even heavier. While I was lost in my thoughts, suddenly, a realization flashed before my mind eyes. If my hunger for vengeance could have the power to push me into the realms of hell, could it be that I could summon that same energy and use it for defence and perhaps offence against my ruthless opponent?
While Vo'ak was chatting and showing itself to the other ugly hellish creatures, I closed my eyes tight and began to visualize.
I became calm in the mist of a fight, visualizing the power of vengeance running through my being. Forming into a purple energy. The energy began to flow from my root chakra all the way up to my crown.
I felt a surging strength taking over my body. Every broken piece of me began to heal itself, my heart began to beat faster and with each beat, I got stronger.
While I was on earth, l learned that in the spirit world, everything takes form. Love, hatred, lust and every member of the emotional spectrum. Everything takes form.
In my own case, I decided to use my anger and vengeance to power myself up and it worked. My Will was feeble, I got beaten up badly by my opponent, but while it celebrates it dominance over me, I got powered up by what was suppose to be my curse.
My eyes glowered with purple energy when I opened them. My body began to vibrate in a higher frequency. I only needed to think of how fast I could move and I moved.
Vo'ak's celebration was interrupted by my swift move, before it could think of anything, my right foot landed on its face.
"Ahh!" It screamed in pain.
Their jaws drooped, yes… every creature watching our fight. "Wooh!" they chorused.
Vo'ak swiftly moved it left hand to grab my right foot on its face, but I quickly shifted my body so fast that every one watching could only see an after image of me.
Bang! Bang! Bang!
I landed three heavy blows on Vo'ak's spine. It screamed again but this time at the top of it voice.
"How dare you." It roared in anger.
I landed on both feet and readied myself for another round of blows. I looked and saw that all the creatures cheering for Vo'ak before, stayed silent. They probably couldn't believe their eyes.
"What is wrong ugly guy? You didn't see me coming?" I mocked at Vo'ak.
The guy roared in anger and charged toward me like a rocket heading for it target. It body tore anything that stood on it way, including air and dust.
"Oh I made it angrier." I shouted.
Before I could move a muscle, Vo'ak landed on the ground close to me, shattering it and throwing me off to the ground again. Before I could raise my head to get a view, I felt a blow on my chest… Bang!
All the creatures there roared in excitement once again. Their warrior had turned the table very easily.
I felt an excruciating pain dominating my entire body. Blood gushed out of my mouth. Unable to give me the pleasure of savoring the current pain, Vo'ak swept me off from the ground, hung me on it shoulder and headed to a peak, the bottom of which burns with lava.
Vo'ak supporters began to chant in excitement.
"Throw him, throw him, throw him." They chorused.
Vo'ak roared then raised me up, ready to let go of me into the lava. Size wise, I was too small to help myself from that situation. So I closed my eyes again to visualize. Concentrating all my energy into my self, I began to vibrate in a higher frequency and before Vo'ak could let go, I vanished from it tight grip.
Vo'ak groaned in amazement. But before it could make sense of what just happened, It felt my fist on it spine, Bang! I hit it hard enough to disorganize it from it balance. Vo'ak waved it arms trying to regain it balance, but I wouldn't wait for it to regain it balance, so, I ran back and forth in a swift speed. Using my right leg, I landed my foot on it ass, the impact of which was powerful enough to send it flying over the peak.
Vo'ak screamed in both pain,fear and shock. For the first time in it pathetic life, It did not only thirst defeat, it ate a mouthful of it.
I stood victoriously on the peak as I watch Vo'ak melt away in the lava. No one to save it, no one to offer a helping hand. It could have been me, and none could have helped me too.
All the creatures supporting Vo'ak turned away in disappointment. They couldn't believe that a puny boy like me would takeout Vo'ak , a seven feet monster.
Moments after the fight, I sat opposite Mr. Gabriel on the same dinning table we sat before. He looked at me with a face brightened with smiles.
"Congratulations Sol. You won your first fight."
I sighed "I got lucky."
He busted into a laughter. "Well you are going to need more than luck in your next fight."
My eyes constricted "How long till it stops?"
"Since you cannot die twice, the fight won't stop, not until your soul got vanquished completely"
"You are not joking right?" I asked.
"No I am not."
He sighed again and said. "Your fight with Vo'ak helped you in a way you could never imagine. See, you were able to convert your anger and hunger for vengeance into power and strength. I saw you moved swiftly around and against Vo'ak. That was a hell of a fight you put out there.
Sol IbnuRa… From a cutie weak ghost to a powerful fully formed Soul."
"Thank you." I bowed my head.
"Rest." He blurted, "Your next fight may not be easy as your first. You will fight the Ice Monster."
My eyes widened. "Who is that again?"
"You will see." He busted into a sinister laughter.