Esther, a guardian of the Earth, awakens after centuries of slumber to a world transformed. The energy of the planet, once in sync, feels fractured and wrong, making him to embark on a journey to uncover the source of this imbalance.
Lazy but impossibly sharp, handsome, and undeniably powerful, Esther is an immortal being who has always existed beyond the concerns of mortal life.
On his journey, he meets Hina, an ambitious and fiery woman determined to become the next queen of her country, a goal that intrigues Esther and pulls him into the complexities of human ambition, politics, and relationships.
Along the way, Esther will meet multiple characters who will teach him lessons about life, love, and the human spirit—things he had long ignored in his centuries of existence.
A story of self-discovery, growth, and breathtaking action, *The Descendant of Sloth* is a fantastical tale that explores what it means to truly live.
Hello Readers ❤️ So here is the review of my own Novel. -MC is tall, handsome, Slothful and overpowered -There will be lots of epic fight scenes and sacrifices that will make characters re-think their perspectives. -MC's team will grow with time introducing new dynamic characters with every arc Why should you read? -It's fun, adventurous and the action scenes are crafted with lots of thought, and few of the arcs will be emotional as well. Does it deserve 5 stars? -Yes. Read! You will know
Started reading it thinking it would be just another boring story but unexpectedly it is good, The mystery of the world, I'm looking forward to it!. Read it if you want a break from your usual reading. Bring moreeeeeeee chapters, i want more lol.