Roselyn opens her eyes as she wakes up in the dimly lit hall of the abandoned tunnel. She looks at Zane, sleeping blissfully with not a care in the world. This irritates Roselyn and she lifts her leg and kicks Zane right in the stomach. Zane wakes up, painfully coughing and clutching his stomach at the wrath that had descended upon him.
"you…..what was that....for?" Zane asks as he coughs up.
"Wake up sleeping beauty do you wanna keep living here?" Roselyn says as she changes her clothes.
Zane dusts himself off and they climb up the staircase to exit the tunnel. Roselyn sticks her ear to the sealed roof trying to hear the outside.
"You are not gonna hear anything" Zane says walking up the stairs behind her.
"And what makes you say that?" Roselyn asks dominatingly.
"That concreate slab is at least 100 mm thick you are not going to be able to hear anything on the other side" Zane informs.
Roselyn is unimpressed.
"what do you suggest we do?" Roselyn asks.
Zane points at the concreate seal at an angle at point blank range with his finger. Then his finger starts to glow and he lets out a beam of intense light that zaps through the concreate. But it only creates a small hole and does not go through so Zane adamantly tries again only to fail.
"Looks like you still haven't learnt how to walk" Roselyn mocks Zane much to his frustration.
She says as she makes a small, sharp stone hover and then bring it towards the hole Zane made. The rock then begins to vibrate, almost as if it would break and Roselyn lets it go, shooting out into the concreate and past the slab creating a perfect hole to see.
Roselyn looks through the hole outside. There is no apparent activity and everything seems calm.
"Guess its clear" she says.
Then she opens up her palms just short of the slab and then focuses on it. Zane watches as a sort of black aura radiates from Roselyn's palms and the concreate slab lifts it up slowly bringing in the bright sunlight and moving the slab onto the side with apparent ease. This was the first time Zane had seen her powers let alone came to know about what her power was, although he did try to ask her about it.
The duo exit the tunnel.
Archie dons his suit. The hall is drowned in the sound of metallic buckles clanging, suite cases being opened and closed and grunting as the 40th group ready themselves. Not for an Azazel mission but a mission to capture Zane.
Archie sits on his bed, frowning about their mission. Just then he can hear footsteps from the corridor entering the hall. Captain William stands tall in the doorway as the men stand in attention and salute him.
"At ease" Captain William orders.
"I'm sure some of you are in disbelief of our mission to find Zane. I assure you that I have spoke with the Colonel and he says that Zane will be only held for some tests and minor questioning. The word hasn't gone out that he died and has come back to life so he will be integrated into our group" Captain William says.
"And? You think he says the truth?" Archie says.
The group glance at their colleague's bravery of speaking without permission of their commander. But Captain William doesn't not criticize him.
"Yes Archie, Colonel Obadiah says the truth" Captain William says.
"and you believe him despite knowing that Zane is a compound?" Archie says.
Captain Will looks at Archie. He looks at the others as well, their skeptical and questioning gazes looking for an answer from Captain William.
"then I think you all are against handing over Zane to the Colonel?" says Captain William
"I for one am not" Pierre interrupts.
Archie looks at Pierre with a death stare.
"you think we care about your opinion?" Archie speaks out defiantly.
"I think you should reconsider your words to your superior, Private" Pierre says, emphasizing on the word 'Private'.
"Why should we put ourselves at a cost of everything against the USAEC for Zane?" Pierre says.
"Because he is an exterminator just like you dammit" Archie replies.
"And? He is a compound, what the hell are you going to do when the whole USAEC is after your ass when you try to help him?" Pierre counters.
"HE JUST WANTS TO FIGHT AND HELP HIMSELF" Archie hollers in argue.
"THAT'S ENOUGH!" Captain William yells.
There is an immediate silence in the room. Captain William looks to his fellow comrades with a sorry gaze.
"Both of you are right. Pierre is right, because we can't damn counter Colonel Obadiah and yet Archie is right too, we can't just let Zane be left behind, he is a good kid I agree." Captain William sighs with fatigue as he speaks.
He then takes a pause, looking at the faces of his men.
"I like Zane, he has potential and he isn't a kid that's supposed to die or spend the rest of his life in a lab" Captain Will says
"I know some of you have your opinions. I know we might not be able to save him from Colonel Obadiah, maybe not at all…..But I don't want Zane to see that we didn't try anything at all. I'm not going down without a fight and I want Zane to know it" Captain Will says.
The men look at their captain, some have skeptical expressions, while others look proud.
"I think you all know about the mission, but I want you to take your time in finding him, stretch it as long as you can, is that understood?" Captain William says.
"YES SIR!" everyone shouts in unison.
"let's go then" says the Captain.
The group pour out of their barrack rooms, turning left towards the exit towards the deployment compound but Robert turns around to find Captain William turning right.
"Sir where are you going?" Robert asks as the crew turn around to see their captain in the wrong direction.
"to get some help." Captain William says as he keeps walking away from his crew.
"Oh and, Rodney has command" says the Captain.
"god I hate working here." Rodney says with frustration.