It didn't take much time to explain the things to Workharder.
Our bees already had some digging experience. Now their job was to dig tunnels under the old hornet nest that will reach the tree roots underground.
They had to make enough caverns to fit all the aphids and give them access to the roots. But of course, there was a catch.
"Dig carefully! Actually… Take a squad of Researcher Bees with you. They are smarter—maybe this will help. If you dig too far with no supports for the ceiling, it might fall right over your heads! Maybe the ground can be made more solid with wax? Ask the Researchers, certainly."
"If even ants can make tunnels, surely we can do it even better!" Workharder waved her hands dismissively.
I gave her a Disapproving Dad Stare and held it until she wilted a little.
"Don't be so overconfident, Workharder! I don't want to hear anything about any workers being injured by tunnel collapses."