Drones, dogs, and D

The Drone looked at me, raising his fists defensively. I glared at it for another moment…

Then turned away and flew back to my guards.

I didn't want to touch this *dog* with a ten-foot-pole. Fighting him would be like fighting a turd instead of walking around it—I'd just smear shit all over myself!

He and the other Drones were too stupid to give me information, anyway. I was just going to send some Commando Bees later to tail them to their nests.

For now, I returned to Pollenia and waited.

In ten minutes, she picked two dozen Drones, each of whom was ecstatic for a chance with the Queen, even as a part of her harem, and we could fly back.

I was going to insist she made them wear clothing. Even if they resisted.


With Pollenia and her harem settling in what I was calling Hive Hornet's Nest, I went to the main hive to give Bloodhero necessary orders.