My heart broke a little.
'I was so right to come here! These bees—their spirit is the lowest of the low! They probably think that they'd be more useful to the hive by dying! They are just so… BEES!'
These ones were so young, too. Barely out of their brood cells, and they didn't even come up with their names yet. A few of them were actually my granddaughters, Pollenia's children. It was easy to see in their stats.
〔Cleaning Bee〕 〔Ally〕 〔Progeny〕
〔Health〕: 12 / 22
〔Stamina〕: 20 / 21
〔Species〕: Common Honey Bee
〔Age〕: 18 d
〔Remaining lifespan〕: 88 d
> Strength: 20
> Agility: 40
> Endurance: 19
> Defense: 19
> Intelligence: 80
> Perception: 43
〔Special abilities〕
Flight, Barbed Stinger