Encyclopedia Botanica


Brainpower requirement: 250

Allows training archivists.

Active archivists are considered administrators.

Brainpower: +10% to total amount per 1 thousand affected scientists.

Logistics: +10 per 1 affected administrator.


Another technology that gave me administrators.

I realized that I'd better implement it quickly, as well as feudalism, because my empire's logistics was way too low compared to its other stats.

And now that I was controlling not 1 hive, not 2, but 22—it showed!

At the moment, here was almost no trade with my subjugated hives, because their population was still mostly composed of dumb, sick bees. But in the future, managing them promised to be hell without good logistics.

In my original expansion plans, I was going to focus on logistics while my little princesses reared their first broods. However, a pandemic threw a wrench into my plans.