Operation Sleeping Beeauty

I grinned.

"They should wake up tomorrow at worst, according to Researchina's data," I said, smiling again. "It's all thanks to a medicinal plant Researchers found during the tests! Plant sample number 1947 or something—they didn't come up with a name for it yet."

Rulia nodded sagely.

"Ah, yes, I understand. The 'medicinal plants' thing, yes? I didn't know they could even put people to sleep."

"Most can't—but this one can. And we have plenty for everyone, my little princess!"

The plant's juice had a soporific effect, even in small doses. But yesterday, I ordered my bees to gather as much of it as possible and infuse lots of food with its juice!

Now, all the bees who ate "humanitarian aid" brought by us today fell asleep, and we could cleanse them without having to break any bones.

(I just hoped the plant had no deadly side-effects that weren't found during the initial testing…)

I turned to my subordinates.