I took a deep breath.
"Sorry, Worriesgone, but you can't become a Nurse Bee."
The young bee's shoulders fell.
"Really? It's because I'm so weak, right?"
"No!" I raised a victorious finger in the air. "It's because you are so talented at drawing! You and your sisters have practiced drawing for days—for longer than any other bee spends training! Since the entire pandemic, your 'well wishes', your drawings, have raised spirits of the entire Bee Empire, increasing everybody's productivity!"
Worriesgone's jaw fell. She was listening to my speech with wide eyes.
I grabbed the nearest drawing—the unfinished one she was making before my arrival—and raised it over my head.
"Look at this! As the Emperor of Bee-kind, I can't just waste skills and talents like yours! I wish everybody could do the job they are best suited for, but I humbly ask that you, Worries gone, become a different bee instead."
"A… different bee?"