"We can't just burn it? Why?" Researchina asked.
I'd really like to know the precise composition of this layered hill, but Watcher was no geologist. Everybody was no geologist, because geology wasn't invented yet!
If my guess was right, however…
"I think that black layers that Watcher described are coal or peat, and starting a large fire nearby will turn the entire area into a bonfire! Remember coal, girls?"
"Yes, you explained it alongside other natural resources. I have *excellent* memory on those." Researchina raised her nose smugly and tapped her head. "Gold, copper, tin, coal, clay—"
"We got it, Researchina! I remember that, too!" Things-Things interrupted.
"Girls, girls, don't fight! Fighting among each other is *bad*!" I said sternly and wagged my finger.
They both looked sheepish, but Researchina much less so.
"Father, but how else can we destroy the nest?" Bloodhero asked.
I sighed wearily.