In all the surrounding noise, I didn't catch who was shouting, but I turned my head on reflex.
While Beemarines were distracted and overwhelmed by enemy numbers, a lone wasp hid in the shadows near the ceiling, and then decided to attack the spectators instead of her intended opponents.
She was flying right at me!
〔Health〕: 11 / 12
〔Stamina〕: 9 / 14
〔Species〕: Wide-Winged Beewolf Wasp
〔Age〕: 54 d
〔Remaining lifespan〕: 31 d
> Strength: 14
> Agility: 47
> Endurance: 12
> Defense: 9
> Intelligence: 3
> Perception: 42
〔Special abilities〕
Flight II, Paralyzing Stinger II, Claws III, Sharp Fangs II
As I looked into the wasp's angular face with red marks over her eyes, a memory flashed in front of my mind's eye.
A wild, untouched yet by the hands of the industry, forest. A giant wasp-woman charging at me with murderous intent…