Four days later, the Bee Empire's army gathered for its first war—which, I hoped, will be short and victorious.
It had 10 thousand Warrior Bees, taken from Hive Supremo and other hives, with 490 Beemarines gathered among them in a separate unit. Then there was 1000 Commandos ready to scout the way, 1000 Builder Bees to fortify the future area of siege, 3000 Forager and Foremen bees carrying supplies, and some Physician Bees to give first aid.
Over 15000 bees in total!
Preparing for the set-off, they stood in even lines on the ground at the foot of Hive Supremo's pillar mountain, inspecting their weapons and armor for the last time.
The ground here, which once was covered in thick grass, trees, and teeming with life despite proximity to the hive, changed greatly.