"What is it, scout?"
Instead of a reply, the scout silently pointed above us.
Puzzled, I raised my head, squinting against the sun. At first, I saw nothing wrong—then I choked on air.
In the slightly cloudy sky above us, a dragon was circling! And unlike all the other times I saw flying beasts in the sky, it was definitely watching *us*.
It was also flying low enough that I could make out details of its appearance, but not low enough that I could see its status.
The majestic, if terrifying, creature was covered in glossy black scales all over. Technically, I supposed, it was a wyvern, not a dragon—it only had the back part of clawed feet, while the front one became its wide wings. From here, it looked small, but I was sure it was at least a dozen meters long, even without the tail.