A betrayal against the Empire

"What? Father, you can't be serious! Giving our own food to those hunters, that's, that's, that's just graaaaAARGH!"

Together with her angry outcry, Chief Foreman Hammerwork swung her hammer in the air so energetically, I was afraid she might accidentally hit herself. The girl was red-faced and almost steaming with anger.

I took a step back.

"C'mon, c'mon… It's all for the greater purpose, Hammerwork!"

"What purpose? You just want to feed them! This is against the Empire!" Hammerwork stomped her feet. "A betrayal!"

Before I could say a word, Beemarine Destroyer stepped from behind my shoulder, cupping her hammer with her palm, and glared at the Chief Foreman like she was already snapping the other bee's neck.

"Don't you dare to talk about Father like that! You are just too stupid to understand his great mind and knowledge!"

Hammerwork paled.

"I, um, y-yes, I was just—"