"You have something for me, Things-Things? Alright, show it!"
I was curious and clueless. Usually, Researcher Bees were the ones who provided me with surprise tech prototypes…
"Yes-yes, Father!" Things-Things turned outside and shouted, "Sisters, bring the gift in!"
Her clear and sonorous voice carried far, even in the ever-noisy hive. A moment later, two Chief Craftsmen Bees entered the Council Chamber.
Between themselves, they were reverently holding an item, the look of which made me gasp.
And not only me—every member of the Council was shocked, except Researchina, who kept an impassive expression.
It was a suit of the prettiest armor I've seen in this world, and at least one of the prettiest I've seen in my entire life! This could compare only with the best items made by medieval artisans.
Despite the primitive technologies and materials available, Things-Things and her sisters outdid themselves ten times over!