The Goddess of Bees and the Goddess of Hornets

"Goddess of Hornets. We aren't allies. Why are you pestering me?"

Although the forms of both gods were ethereal and unperceivable to mortal eyes, they saw each other clearly.

Goddess of Bees kept her preferred form of an Earth honey bee, which was easy to keep a calm appearance in, even with her inner tension.

Unlike her, the Goddess of Hornets chose a form similar to a hornet of this world—a human-insect hybrid with facetious eyes and sharp teeth she was showing off in a predatory smile.

Both were the same size out of their last remains of basic politeness.

"I should be asking you this, Beetch." The Goddess of Hornets sneered. "Why is that, when I check on my hornets as usual, I hit your interference? You are putting too much interest into a single world."

Goddess of Bees angrily snapped her mandibles, wishing that she was doing this over Goddess of Hornets' neck.