Note: if something says "increased/decreased by X%" it means that new total value will be 100%+X% or 100%-X%. So 100% of damage resistance means total immunity, and 100% of damage increase means doubled damage.
Enhanced Strength I: increases base strength to 10.
Enhanced Strength II: increases base strength to 20.
Enhanced Strength III: increases base strength to 30.
Throwing Wrists: increases precision of throws by 100%.
Claws III: gives sharp multipurpose claws.
Digging Claws I: claws specialized for digging. Increase digging speed with bare hands by 200%. Replaces "Claws".
Slashing Claws I: claws specialized for slashing. Increase damage with bare hands by 100% and increase chances of leaving bleeding wounds. Replaces "Claws".
Grabbing Claws I: claws specialized for grabbing. Increase climbing speed by 200%. Reduce chances of opponents escaping a grapple by 50%. Replaces "Claws".
Venom Spray I: allows to spray venom through the stinger over a small distance.
Death Grip: the muscles will spasm after the owner's death with great force, preventing them from releasing their grip.
Throwing Elbows: increases the distance of throws by 100%.
Flying Carriers: increases maximum carry weight during flight to 60% from the base carry weight.
Horns I: gives medium multipurpose horns.
Increased Venom Potency I: increases damage of venom by 50%.
Detachable Stinger I: allows stingers of bees to be detached from the body without a trauma. Lost stingers don't regrow.
Detachable Stinger II: allows stingers of bees to be detached from the body without a trauma. Lost stingers slowly regrow based on regeneration speed.
Acid Blood I: blood deals slight acid damage on contact. Also increases resistance to acid damage by 20%.
Paralyzing Venom I: reduces damage of venom by 50%. The venom now slows victims based on its total potency.
Increased Venom Potency VII: increases damage of venom by 350%.
Increased Venom Potency X: increases damage of venom by 500%.
Electrical Charge I: creates a special organ that passively generates low-voltage electricity that can be discharged at any time to deal electrical damage.
Electrical Charge X (MAX): the electrical charge organ generates high voltage and high current electricity that can be discharged at any time to deal massive electrical damage.
Danger-Averse Reflexes: greatly reduces reaction time to sudden threats.
Perfect Swarm Coordination: further improves instinctive swarm coordination in the air, allowing swarm members to fly even in tight formations without interfering with each other.
Runner Legs: increases running speed by 10%.
Increased Lifespan I: +30 days to lifespan.
Increased Lifespan II: +60 days to lifespan.
Increased Lifespan III: +120 days to lifespan.
Increased Lifespan IV: +240 days to lifespan.
Increased Lifespan V: +960 days to lifespan.
Technology: Primitive Containers: gives instinctual access to 'Primitive Containers' technology.
Enhanced Endurance II: increases base endurance to 20.
Increased Fertility III: +60% to fertility.
Increased Fertility X (MAX): +200% to fertility.
Meat Digestion: allows digesting meat and animal proteins.
Faster Youth Development I: reduces time until full maturity by 20%.
Reduced Sleep I: reduces the amount of sleep needed daily by 1 hour.
Deeper Breathing: increases stamina recovery and amount of time the owner can spend without breathing by 20%.
Fat Padding: allows to accumulate fat padding by overeating, which slightly increases defense and maximum health.
Efficient Running I: reduces stamina cost of running and walking by 20%.
Improved Immunity II: reduces chances of falling ill by 40%, potentially improving a colony's resilience.
Improved Immunity IV: reduces chances of falling ill or suffering infections by 80%.
Faster Regeneration II: +40% to health recovery speed.
Faster Regeneration III: +60% to health recovery speed.
Faster Regeneration X (MAX): +200% to health recovery speed.
Photosynthesis I: allows filling up to 10% of daily energy needs via sunlight.
Slow-Twitch Muscles: increases maximum stamina by 20%.
Efficient Flight I: reduces stamina cost of flying by 10%.
Grass Digestion: allows digesting grass and tree leaves for nutrients.
Increased Pain Threshold greatly improves pain tolerance.
Improved Metabolism I: reduces need for food by 5%.
Improved Metabolism V: reduces need for food by 25%.
Enhanced Intelligence X: increases base intelligence to 100.
Fast Learner III: increases learning speed by 30%
Fast Learner IV: increases learning speed by 40%
Fast Learner V: increases learning speed by 50%
Advanced Pack Tactics: dramatically improves coordination of attacks in small and medium groups.
Improved Empathy: improves ability to perceive emotions of others, improving cohesion of a society and reducing potential for conflicts.
Technology: Scientific Method: gives instinctual access to 'Scientific Method' technology.
Perfect Memory: allows perfectly recalling everything that you've experienced, saw or heard in the past.
Telepathy I: allows sending telepathic messages for up to 10 meters.
Magnetic Field Perception I: gives a weak sense of magnetic fields.
Olfactory Perception V: improves the sense of smell by 20% compared to the previous tier.
Adjacent Pheromone Detection: allows finding and deciphering pheromones of other species of bees, wasps, hornets, bumblebees and ants.
Chaotic Evolution I: with a 5% chance, this gene will be replaced in progeny with a random tier V gene.