Legendary inspiration

Things-Things—sure, this was her domain. But Worriesgone? And a dozen other Artist Bees?

How did they even get out of the hive? They could barely fly! They didn't *climb* all the way from the hive, right? Maybe they asked someone to carry them down…

A dozen bees were shouting at once, while others abandoned their work and waited for the conflict to be resolved.

"Stop being underfoot, Artists! Wasn't yesterday enough for you? We know how to do our jobs already!"

"But it isn't *your* job! You already took it from us once. We all saw!"

"Oh, don't go back to it again. It was our gift, *our*! Now—"

I landed on top of the half-finished wagon. The spotty roof creaked under my weight, but held.

All the bees went silent and looked at me.

"What's going on here?" I asked, staring down at people in charge: Things-Things and Worriesgone.