"Take a seat young students, today the wonderful teacher Ramiris will tell you about the elementals" said Ramiris while flying in front of a blackboard with a mortarboard on her head.
While Mira and I sat in school chairs that Ramiris had created with her Small World skill , it must be said that Ramiris took the teacher part very seriously.
"To begin, we must go back very far in history, when the first will gave rise to reality, eight beings of immense power were created, they were the eight Great Holy Spirits, each of them represented one of the elements: earth, space, wind, water and fire considered minor elements, light, darkness and time considered major elements"
"It was Veldanava who made use of them to create the worlds of the multiverse, as well as the primordial angels as his assistants, as a reflection of the creation of the angels of the Great Holy Spirit of Light, the daemons of the Great Holy Spirit of darkness were born from nothing."
I raised my hand in doubt.
"Go ahead," Ramiris said.
"So, are angels and demons elementals or are they a subspecies?"
"Good question"
"Due to Veldanava's manipulation to create the angels, the energies used in the process, although sharing characteristics with the elementals of light, ceased to be of a "natural" nature as the elementals are and opted for sacred nature, for their part the daemons did so towards the demonic side, hence their name as a race was born, then it is correct, the daemons and the angels are a subspecies of elementals, where the elementals have an advantage with the demons, the demons have an advantage with the angels and the angels have an advantage with the elementals"
I raised my hand once again.
Ramiris gave me the floor.
"You mention that demons have an advantage against angels, but both demons and monsters are species based on magicules and angels are species based on holy power, how is it that a demon would have an advantage? If for him the holy power should be lethal" I asked one of the doubts I had the most on the subject.
"I don't know, I guess it's because angels can be corrupted by demonic power?" Ramiris said with a shrug.
'I guess I can't expect her to know everything.'
I signaled for her to continue the class.
"As I was saying, there are eight elements, the five common ones which are weak to another element and strong against another, earth defeats space, space defeats wind, wind defeats water, water defeats fire and fire defeats earth, as for light and darkness, they move away from the first five and become mutually restrictive, finally, the time element rules them all, it is at the top"
"These attribute relationships apply to both spiritual magic and aspectual magic, so they must be taken into account."
"Now as for the elementals, they arise from the great concentration of natural energy or as offspring of a higher elemental, their spiritual bodies are capable of taking magical energy and transforming it into natural energy of their respective elements, energy that obeys physical laws unlike aspectual magic, although you can find them in nature, most of them are concentrated in the Elemental Realm, of which I am the guardian" she said, puffing out her chest.
"Elementals can be classified into several stages: minor, the lowest level, is when an elemental, although it has knowledge and sensitivity, lacks a personality, they are quite weak and normally lend their power to anyone, their appearance is similar to small balls of light"
"The middle elementals, lesser elementals that have lived a long time and have gathered enough natural energy to evolve, they take on a suitable appearance and have more present personalities, an example of them would be the salamander fire spirits"
"The older elementals, their appearance is more humanoid and they have firmly established personalities, their power places them on the same level as the ArchDaemon, the biggest problem with them is that they are fickle beings who only lend their power to someone they really like, which is very rare, this is where the Ifrit are located"
"At the end of the evolutionary path, there are the elemental lords, immensely strong beings comparable to demon lords, although they are insignificant before me" she said, punching the air.
"Cough, cough, those guys are almost unseen, they rarely lend their power, and it is only in the form of a contract, not in the form of a summon."
"If an elemental incarnates in a physical body they become a race of fairies, similar to elves."
"As a first class excursion, I'm taking you to try and summon an elemental," she said, throwing her teacher's outfit into the air.
Mira and I followed her through the corridors of her labyrinth, until we reached an imposing room, the abode of the elementals.
'It's crazy how much natural energy there is here!'
It was the only thing I could think of as I walked into the room.
There was a brightly lit bridge leading to a platform.
We continued walking until we reached the platform.
"Here you go, just get on the platform and try to call them, you can ask for their help or just talk to them, if they are interested they will help you"
With a nod, I headed to the center of the platform, once there.
I struck a pose with my arms crossed and said…
"If you want to reach the top and kick some demons' asses, follow me, I'll be your guide on this adventure," I said confidently.
At my words, Mira and Ramiris's mouths fell to the ground.
"Hey, with words like that, no one would want to follow you," Ramiris shouted.
Only to be interrupted by a flash of light, a two-meter-long snake emerged from it, similar to Kai's first form when he arrived in the Cardinal World, the difference was its peculiar appearance, it looked similar to a night sky with stars moving through its body, with serpentine movements it flew to Kai's position and coiled around his right arm.
'A mid-elemental space element, just what I needed,' I thought happily.
I petted him on his head, to which he responded by rubbing my hand.
"You were saying that, Ramiris," I said with an amused grimace.
"It's not fair, I wanted to see you fail miserably when no one answered you," Ramiris snapped.
I shrugged.
"What could he say, that's how charming I am," I said vainly.
"Now, can you show me how to set up the contract? I have no idea."
After that, Ramiris showed me how to establish the contract with an elemental, as well as the magic to summon it when I needed it.
Then it was Mira's turn.
Perhaps influenced by me, I choose to say some big words.
"Come to my elemental of darkness, so I don't get left behind by this annoying guy who hired a space spirit" Mira shouted viciously grabbing at me.
Both Ramiris and I were stunned by his words.
I'll be honest, I don't expect any elemental to respond to her, especially since she directly said what elemental she wanted.
But as if the world itself wanted to slap me in the face.
From a dark light, a black panther appeared, a medium elemental of darkness, similar to Mira, but smaller in size.
'Why did both I and Mira get an elemental similar to us? Or rather, is it because we are the way we are that they responded to us?' An interesting question.
"Why a panther?" Ramiris asked curiously.
"Didn't we tell you? Look, it's a panther," I said.
Mira nodded, and the next moment she transformed into her other form, she and the elemental looked similar, but on different size scales.
After showing it to Ramiris, Mira returned to her human form.
"Hmph… how curious that both of them managed to be recognized by an elemental similar to their true appearances," Ramiris nodded.
"I think so too, it's very curious"
Ramiris then taught Mira how to establish the contract and how to summon it.
When we finished, we went back to the room where we were before.
Seeing that Ramiris was making gestures of "pay me".
I started my new task, creating sweets.
Taking some ingredients out of my shadow storage and asking Ramiris to create a kitchen like the one I sent an image of with thought communication, I began to prepare sweets.
While cooking I started a conversation with Ramiris, who was playing UNO with Mira in a living room that Ramiris created.
"Hey Ramiris, you mentioned that elementals can convert magicules into natural energy, right?" I said while baking cookies.
"Yeah, I said it, what's up with that?" she said as she threw a +4 at Mira.
"So, what happens if an elemental is given a name? Does it become a Magin?"
After thinking about it for a moment, she replied.
"Normally it shouldn't be the case, since as I said, an elemental converts magicules into its natural energy, but, it depends on the situation, if the difference in strength between the one who names and the elemental is very great, to the point of being impossible for the elemental to withstand the excess of magicules, it would result in the elemental becoming corrupted, as happened to me" she said, spreading her hands, helpless due to her situation.
"But look on the bright side, I'm slowly getting rid of the contamination, eventually I'll return to my original form," Ramiris said cheerfully.
I patted her on the head as I walked past her and served the freshly baked cookies.
"And I look forward to that day Ramiris, how about we throw you the biggest party in the world?"
"Party?" I tilt my head doubtfully.
He sends her pictures of the most incredible parties she had seen on show videos.
His eyes widened with excitement.
"Yes, yes, we must have the biggest party to celebrate me!" she flew around the room excitedly.
"It will be done… I promise" I said with a smile.
We spent the rest of the day eating and chatting.
None of them were in a hurry to continue with the lessons, for beings like Mira and I with long lives and like Ramiris with unlimited life, time was not something that concerned us like it did humans.
Now, being inside Ramiris's labyrinth, I had nothing to worry about, whether it was monsters, demons, angels, Guy or Milim.
I was in the safest place in the world, as long as a True Dragon didn't do everything in its power to get in, I could relax like never before.
It was such a comfortable environment, one in which, without realizing it, I had spent more than twenty years without returning to the surface.
Time in which I learned spiritual magic, the use of battle aura to reinforce myself and my weapons, I also improved my control over the wind element, to the point of achieving wind manipulation, which, along with my water manipulation, allowed me to acquire weather manipulation.
Ramiris was so kind that she even used the labyrinth's energy sometimes to help Mira and I continuously improve our magicule reserves.
I can firmly say that we are both ranked in the middle of the Special A rank, due to our reserves far exceeding those of the ArchDaemons, but we are still not close to becoming Demon Lord seeds according to Ramiris.
Over time, the three of us became very close, I even told Ramiris about my reincarnated situation, although I left out the part about knowing about the plot, as expected, she was not surprised, apparently she had met several other worlds , who came to her labyrinth because they heard that here they would find strength, some were courteous to Ramiris and she gladly helped them, others who made fun of her, well, although they did not die, they received their lesson.
Something that took up a considerable part of my time, was learning about the space element, as expected, I just needed someone to guide me, with Ramiris and the elemental I hired, over time, I'm not sure how much, I was able to make fluid use of the space element, which allowed me to cast magic, such as space storage , warp and clothing change , although the first one, similar to my shadow storage, was much more efficient in terms of the necessary control, the biggest advantage is that I could create a space where what was stored was not affected by time.
As for warp, needless to say, it is the typical use of portals to teleport, although it may seem useless compared to my greater control over shadow movement, the difference lies in that shadow movement, although it seems instantaneous, makes use of the shadow space which works as a corridor, the ability is very good at short range, but its consumption shoots up exponentially at greater distances, which does not happen with warp, which joins two spatial coordinates, which although it is more complex and slow, significantly reduces the cost of magic, but it is easier to be tracked teleportation.
And as the name suggests, wardrobe change is used in conjunction with space storage to allow for changing clothes without the hassle of needing to undress.
But I didn't limit myself to that magic, I continued to investigate and research applications based on my otaku knowledge.
Using space to create barriers, space blades only stopped by earth magic, among other things, although I couldn't make all my ideas come true, my repertoire of magic increased quite a bit.
With the help of Ramiris and other elementals who listened to her, which were few, I was finally able to acquire my resistances to the elements, although I could not get them to cancel them or merge them into the resistance to natural effects , I assumed that I lacked the necessary magical energy.
As for Mira.
As promised, I helped her get the physical, magical and elemental resistances, although in her case it took us much, much longer than I needed for it, she had to undergo constant torture just to be cured by me, using healing magic.
There were times when after a session she took it out on me, even though she was the one who loved all this, something good came out of it, she managed to acquire the self-regeneration ability like me.
With the help of her dark elemental, she learned dark spiritual magic, after acquiring shadow manipulation, she lost direction of her training for a while and for fun, I taught her about spies, how to train them, manage them, create an organization, how to carry out espionage, infiltration, assassination and destruction operations, as well as the mistakes I made with Phersu when I established her, so that they wouldn't happen to her, I taught it to her as a joke, but she took it very seriously, by the time she finished that facet, she seemed like some kind of female James Bond with magical powers.
I'm not going to deny it, that intrepid spy touch suited her quite well.
But enough rambling.
Did I learn the nuclear magic I wanted so much?
Yes, I did learn it, no thanks to Ramiris of course, she didn't know, but what she did teach me was the magic to summon demons, with which I summoned several ArchDaemons of Jaune's lineage, although they all tried to kill me, with all my new arsenal, along with my elemental that I affectionately refer to as Nova, we beat them up several times, sent them to the demon world and summoned them again and again, until they were willing to share their knowledge of nuclear magic with me.
Unfortunately for me, I didn't summon that bastard I met last time near the volcano, I would have loved to try my electro elemental therapy with him.
Back to the topic.
Nuclear magic can be summarized as: using Abyss Cores (incredibly dense balls of dark flames), either throwing them and creating a Nuclear Flame , similar in power to a thermonuclear explosion without the radiation residue, firing it as a jet of heat forward called a Nuclear Cannon , Bunker Break a fusion of the previous two focused on penetrating barriers and terrain, detonating inside it, Death Streak achieved by crushing the Abyss Core, which releases waves that agitate the Spiritrons which in turn release radiation in the form of dark light that forcibly rewrites the body's genes and damages the info of souls.
Although I know that Gravity Collapse and Abyss Annihilation would exist , those magics would be born from Jaune later, from what the members of her lineage told me, they had never seen her use those tricks.
For my part, although I managed to learn Nuclear Flame and Bunker Break , I never dared to try to use Death Streak , even if I was in the Ramiris labyrinth where I supposedly couldn't die, I wasn't going to risk it with such a dangerous magic without being a spiritual life form myself.
As for how I found out it had been more than twenty years.
It's funny, actually.
"Hey girls, I'm going out for a while, I'll be back in a while" I said, getting Mira and Ramiris' attention.
"Where are you going?" Mira asked me.
"I'll take a look at Phersu, I haven't managed it in a while," I said simply.
"Ok, come back soon" Mira said returning to her business.
I nodded and walked away.
When I arrived at GreenRock, I could clearly see a lot of changes in the city. It was now bigger, it had a second outer wall, and the lively atmosphere I knew was nowhere to be seen.
Wanting to resolve my doubts, I looked for Clo, as well as his cantina, which I did not find anywhere.
It was after I got the information out of some old men with magic that I discovered the situation.
Apparently, after the kingdom's defeat by Sarion, neighboring countries took advantage of the kingdom's shortage of troops and invaded it. It was after more than eight years of continuous war that the kingdom of Eldoreth succumbed to its enemies and its lands were divided by other kingdoms.
It was during this period that GreenRock underwent the greatest changes, as a fortress city, it became a bulwark for the kingdom, even when the kingdom lost, the city did not fall, partly due to the large number of adventurers who lived here.
They ended up becoming a territory of the kingdom of Nexo to the north.
Although other irrelevant things happened, what caught my attention was, Clo was dead, as well as all the members of Phersu.
Apparently with the pressure of outside enemies, the city lord, not wanting his backyard to go up in flames, maximized his efforts to discover those responsible for so many crimes, he ended up finding some members and making use of the characteristics of the Phersu seal, he located the rest, his continued investigation led him to Clo, who, maintaining her facade, never revealed that her supposed lord had entrusted her with it, died on the gallows in public without any complaint, believing that the city lord would provide a bright future for her son.
Something I actually planned to do if it came to that, Clo was a good subordinate, even if he didn't know I was his boss.
But since I wasn't around, things happened.
The lord of the city, upset by Clo's betrayal, took it out on his wife and son, imprisoning them in his dungeon where they eventually died. I discovered the latter when I infiltrated his dungeon and went to find them and get the information from the guard in charge.
After that, no further events occurred that caught my attention, apart from discovering that twenty-three years had passed since I left.
Finished at GreenRock I went to the rest of the Phersu branches, only to discover similar situations, the difference was, that most of those idiots exposed themselves with my request about the dragons, almost within a few days, all the branches were uprooted.
Come to think of it, the fact that Clo lasted several years without being discovered only speaks to his excellence in managing idiots seeking their own death.
But it also made me rethink the magic seal, that function to automatically discover another member, which I planned to serve to keep members alert of themselves to ensure that they did not kill themselves by mistake, it played against them when one was captured and did not try to reveal information causing their death and activating the sequence of destruction of the seal.
All it took was to grab a member, prevent him from speaking or thinking, possibly knocking him out, and use his body as a detector.
A possibility I never considered.
Well, what can you do?
The organization I worked for for a year has completely gone down the toilet.
Giving up on Phersu, I decided to give my underground base a makeover.
To my dismay, when I arrived at the place I saw a huge hole in the ceiling, through which light was entering, the barriers that protected the place were destroyed, inside I found some things scattered as if someone had searched through them, as well as a large amount of destruction everywhere .
Most of my valuables were gone, my laboratory equipment destroyed without a trace beyond explosion craters.
The barriers he had set up to contain the dragon corpses were removed and the corpses disappeared.
Someone with motives for this appeared in my mind.
A cute girl with pink hair and a cheerful appearance.
Without wasting any time I disappeared from the place, in case I ran into her.
My next objective was the beach house where I spent a pleasant week with Mira, luckily, it was intact, thanks to the magic I had applied to it and the barriers, it was in the same state as when I left it, I only replenished the energy of the reinforcement magic and the barriers, and returned to Ramiris' labyrinth.
When I got to the room where we hung out, Mira greeted me.
"How did it go?" she said.
"Horrible, can you believe we spent more than twenty years here without realizing it? Phersu was destroyed and someone destroyed my underground base and I'm sure it was Milim" I said tiredly.
"It is normal that we do not notice the passage of time, there is no day and night here, besides we all have long or unlimited lives, without someone with a short life to compare it is impossible to be aware of the passage of time" said Mira as if it were nothing.
"As for Milim, Ramiris told you that she could help you apologize to her."
"I know, but I'm a little sad about my underground base, I had many dreams of how I would remodel it, plus I had worked very hard to make a lot of equipment that is now destroyed or missing" I pouted.
"Okay, okay, calm down, you'll make another base, one that's cooler and more resistant than the last one," Mira told me, patting me on the back to comfort me.