The Entity called Infinity

As we'd have it, they did refuse. So, as one would expect of a warrior race with muscles for brains, we waged war against these cosmic beings. We'd fought individuals far more powerful than us, but we have never lost a battle. These twelve will be no different.

For such a long time, we fought. A hundred years past. Five hundred came and pass. Then another five hundred, but we kept fighting, falling and getting back up, utilizing the rocks around us, as weapons. But these twelve refused us to enter the zone, afar. At some point, we lost track of time, altogether. We were becoming weary, but the relentless attacks from the twelve made us agitated, so we couldn't stop even if we wanted to. Lest we be taken by surprise.

We were certain that prominent changes must have occurred, by then, in the multiverse.

At first, those twelve didn't even consider us a threat. Not until I and my partner adapted to their way of fighting, enhancing our coordination, fighting as one. They then finally decided to face us—to some extent— earnestly. And trust me when I say, it was… dreadful for both I and my partner.

The battle, one way or another, came to a pause. Thankfully.

Then they spoke. "It baffles us…" The supreme being said with a thousand voice. Though, when one speaks, it is impossible to discern who spoke. "Why do you still struggle seeing this much gap in power? Are you foolish?"

Their voices carried a such degree of terror and dominion. But even so, my partner answered confidently. "We seek to go yonder, unto where we shall find the one that is called Infinity. We have a score to settle with him, in the name of our tribe."

I added. "This battle is unnecessary, grant us passage beyond this plain, and surely, we shall return after our business is done, on the other side."

I begge—I mean, exclaimed.

Fortunately, they chose not to continue the battle, and shortly, they spoke again;

"We understand." Though we still couldn't discern who said anything. "The one whom you seek is no longer yonder, but resides somewhere in the one of the universes. Concentrate on his substance, and search again. you might find him… except he doesn't want to be found."

So infinity is not in the Zone? Marvelous! Let us use this medium to flee. Lest, for some unfavorable turn of event, we begin battle again.

My partner also got the initiative. We wanted to leave their presence immediately …but we were stopped, by their next words;

"As for both of you, your strength has become too great to ignore."

Just as we thought we've been spared, they say this?

They continued. "To be able to do battle with us, for this long, and not even near your end is intriguing, but problematic, you see? Become our underlings! Or we shall truly face you in earnest, and dismiss your existence like it never happened."

I feel no lies, but utter honesty from their claims. They can destroy us. I believe we have no other choice but to serve them.

Sincerely, we hold not disagreement towards the Supreme beings, nor their offer. Inasmuch as we'd come to understand, through experience, that they can indeed cause us to cease.

But the entity called Infinity, you see, must be subjugated by us. Before anything else; it is mine—and my partner's—destiny, as members of the Spartamilo race.

I turned to my partner, and after a wordless communication, expressed. "We don't dislike your offer. However, we cannot serve anyone until our goal have been achieved."

They replied. "It is decided then, after your business with Infinity, you shall both become our underlings… if you survive, that is."

Hearing what seemed to be a warning, I flamed up, and proclaimed. "Inconceivable! It is unthinkable that we would lose to Infinity. As we are now, we would surely be victorious."

Indeed, if Infinity is comparable to, at least, one of these Supreme beings, then we—that have seen how they fight—will surely defeat him.

Subsequently, we were sent away by the twelve forces of absolute authority.

Nevertheless, defeat—nor stalemate—are non-existent in our lexicon, as Spartamilos. So, as expected, we challenged them for yet another round…

That's a lie, we hightailed away from the Zone with relief of heart.

Leaving their presence made our minds lighter; they were absolutely fearful and terrible. That we battled against all twelve of them on almost even footing, definitely mean Infinity should be beneath us…


Countless ages came and left, but we still hadn't found that accursed Infinity.

After continually absorbing mighty individuals—as we love to do—we soon began to obtained their knowledge and wisdom. We grew so invincible; we were no longer encountering individuals on our level.

Although, we surely did not search every nuke and cranny of the universes: as that would truly be impossible, even for us. Considering the limitless versions and variations that exists, and seeing as a universe grows endlessly.

Our long, long search finally came to an end. We found Infinity, and that brings us to now:

We located Infinity, but this time "he" was a "her."

He/ she / it… Ugh! Whatever it was, bore the appearance of a young, female child of the mortals; with white locks and completely black eyes. I think they were called "Huma," or the like.

It was the same when he appeared to us initially; maybe he has a liking for them?

After consistently searching for what felt like an eternity, we found him/ her/ it isolated in an advanced pocket dimension of his/ her/ its own making.

I and my partner could have just left him/ her/ it...

Argh... okay, let's just accept that "he" or "it" is now currently a 'her!'

Ahem. We could have just left her there, and lived the rest of our long life researching different energies, races, cultures and dimensions. For the fun of it. We could have just done things that impacted us better. But it's not exactly like that… the will that our brethren left with us made us rethink. And without further contemplation, we forced our way in, to show her the resolve of the entire Spartamilo race which we both harbored—we both held the torch that had been passed down to us.

Quite factually, in the sense that we actually absorbed them and their wills.

Had it been we went with the first option, we would have prevented this place from becoming an execution ground.