Chapter 21 : Arrival

Finally after walking for two two hours near the edges of the forest encountering many wolfs who are found at the edges of the forest usually.

Kairos has reached his destination. Not far from him a small fortress like structure can be seen. Carriages going in and out. And some occasionally flying 5 star beast, Steal eagle. Carrying four to five people each on its back. Many like him were also heading towards the fortress in carriages, horses or magical beasts such as red wolfs or just like him alone.

This are known as the, Safe zones. Such establishments are spread all over the Thousand mountain range. As Kairos got closer he checked the number of the zone. Which was 137 Meaning it was the 137th zone.

There was no guards or anything at the entrance. One just have to pass through the transparent barrier on the gate.

Kairos also stepped in. As there was no need to fear or hasitate on such things. As it wasn't them, It was to catch dark magicians.

Kairos gazed at the surroundings. It was lovely as always, as he predicted many vendors can be seen selling potions and and staffs and weapons at atlest 10x price. Thats how thses safe zones works, It sucks the money out of the person!. Even the cost of food was very high. And for spending a night here? It costs staggering one gold coin just for one night.

Kairos was rich in this life. Still he wasn't that rich to spend gold coins like this. Thankfully he wasn't here to stay.

Kairos stopped his footsteps and entered the open field which was in middle of the safe zones. Carrier steal eagles along with many high rank monsters can be seen talking flights with people on there back.

Yes this was the reason he have came here. It was to take a ride to the renowned owsdin academy of magus!.

"Hmm what should I pick?" Kairos halted his steps and gazed at the available options.

There were many options.. For example those Tempest crows are fast. But Kairos know very well those are expensive. They will atlest charge him 2 to 3 gold coins.

The journey will take atlest 3 days from here if he takes those regular steal eagles. Kairos sighed realizing he have to get a even more faster ride.

The tour to his master has taken more time then he initially expected the day after tomorrow the owsdin academy is scheduled to hold the orientation program for the new students.

Kairos sighed and headed towards the premium section for fast travels.

" Red feathered falcons. Good" Kairos mumbled

These birds were known for their speed despite being just 5 star monsters. They are also proficient Incase of some attack.

With that decided Kairos started talking with the counter about the price of the ride. And as he expected, This safe zones were hella expensive. He settled it with 3 gold coins from the initial 5. Still it hurts his pockets.

Kairos hoped on to the broad body of the falcon. Which can carry three people easily. But none was boarding along with him because, He has brought the single ride one.

One of the tamer showed the falcon a small symbol of the owsdin academy. The falcon nodded it's head, and gazed behind as if it was checking if he had set down securely.

"Alright, let's go," Kairos whispered to himself. He wasn't fond of air travels in past. He decided in this life it was time to get used to it.

The tamer gave a quick hand gesture, and with a sudden burst of speed, the falcon launched into the sky. The wind rushed past causing his cloak and hair to flutter wildly.


The ground below rapidly shrank as the falcon ascended. As it poke through the clouds, the defensive mechanism activated protecting him from the cold.

And at a rapid speed started heading the east, the center of the forest. Kairos calmed down his breathing, realizing it was still hard for him to get used to such thing.

The travel felt peaceful. As there was nothing for Kairos to gaze as they were above the clouds. The safest route for air traveling. As monsters rarely flies above clouds for bone chilling cold temperature.

Occasionally, Flying beasts carrying people can be seen and many also heading towards the center. Where owsdin academy was located.

Time flow by. And they have reached their destination. And you asked how Kairos know it had?

Why wouldn't he!. He had almost fall down when this thing without a warning started driving in!.

A/N: This was the reason he didn't liked air traveling in his past life ;⁠)

The clouds gradually gave away revealing the grand huge gates of owsdin academy, The main eye catching thing. The collasial dragon statue, tilting it's head gazing above.The real life scale of owsdin the dragon emperors Statue! Gazing at the sky.

Or to in that view. Gazing at the guest's that are arriving at the owsdin from the sky.