A lot of good food.
That's what the lunatics would actually want, but if that wasn't possible, they could survive with spoonfuls every other day.
Just not today.
Because today, someone figured it would be a good day to torture the unsuspecting students of the Academy.
Princess Kira decided to grace the cafeteria with her elegant (domineering) self and figured it was right for her to help those in need.
Yes, in need.
These people needed access to important information so they could at least be as cultured. Thought Kira as she strutted towards her usual table.
All of this began when the Princess overheard her attendants discussing a very famous online store.
Of course, as the Princess who had always had the best of everything, it was relatively unacceptable for her to be this far out of the loop.
So she searched and subsequently went down the rabbit hole.