Jax was not sure why everyone was reacting like that.
He merely hoped that Luca wouldn't find night patrols to be tiring; after all, this was part of what academy mercenary members usually did.
Yes, night patrols.
Xavier used that excuse when someone asked. It was under the guise of showing Luca what it actually meant to take odd jobs for the military.
Then, just how did it turn into something mortifying again?
When would he be cleared of all these mounting charges against him?
At this rate? Never.
So, why bother?
It was a scathing realization, but with a peaceful mind full of acceptance and surrender, Xavier decided to ignore all the stares and just wait for a meal that almost didn't come.
This time, Luca was hell-bent on cooking for the people of the duchy and almost forgot about his other charges until they came running in.